
Sign up for the Caring for Society University Conference

At our University we annually host a conference organised by and for students, formerly known as Forum UIC Barcelona. This year, there has been a strong commitment to the internationalisation and innovation of this event by replacing it with a Student Academic Conference (SAC), a type of conference that already exists in different European and American countries.

But before we explain more details about the conference, we would like to ask you some questions...

  • Are you intellectually curious and do you want to have the experience of sharing knowledge with students from other degree programmes?
  • Does it appeal to you that your studies can contribute to the improvement of society?
  • Would you like to talk to teachers and students about current affairs, based on scientific respect and rigour?
  • Do you feel like having a different experience that will add to your university education?

If the answers to the above questions are affirmative, we encourage you to participate with your peers in the Student Academic Conference, the theme of which this year is “Caring for Society”!

When can I sign up? When is the conference?

  • Registrations is open until 12 December, 2021
  • We will hold the conference on 2 April, 2022

If you have any questions, please write to us here: sacuic@uic.es.