
Using chatbot as a teacher assistant

Another event on chatbot will take place on Thursday, 30 March, where we will discuss how ChatGPT and different tools developed by artificial intelligence can help teachers. Can ChatGPT automate repetitive tasks? Can it improve the overall efficiency of teaching processes?

Open to all UIC Barcelona PDI members.


4.00 p.m. What is ChatGPT and how can I use it in my daily tasks: managing and writing emails; formulas and macros in Excel, graphics; translations and corrections of texts, etc

4.30 p.m. Help for managers, product owners, Scrum managers, business analysts

5.00 p.m. Code development and refactoring

5.20 p.m. Limitations to consider with ChatGPT: “it can’t do everything”

5.30 p.m. Open discussion, questions and live demonstration

6.00 p.m. Closing words

The event can also be followed in streaming: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85690795383