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Workshop on the ethical use of artificial intelligence
The Faculty of Humanities is organising a workshop on the 14 June called “The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence” featuring the participation of international experts within the framework of a Llavor (Seed) project.
The workshop is open to all researchers, teachers and students who are interested in the subject.
9.00 a.m. Attendee Welcome
9.30 a.m. Conference and debate. Tom Harrison, Professor at the University of Birmingham School of Education and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Educational Innovation. Director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues
11.00 a.m. Break
11.30 a.m. Conference and debate. Marcel Cano, Professor of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering at the University of Vic, expert in ethics applied to technoscience.
1.00 p.m. Break
4.00 p.m. Conference and debate. Mark Coeckelbergh, Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology, University of Vienna. Member of several international and highly influential organisations that support the construction of policies in the area of robotics and artificial intelligence.
5.30 p.m. Break
6.00 p.m. Conference and debate. Oscar Yecid, Dean of Humanities and Education at San Buenaventura University (Bogotá, Colombia). Expert in education and new technologies. Director of Ed&TIC Research Center. Associate Researcher and Leader of the Education, Research and Technology group at Ed&TIC Research Center.
7.30 p.m. End of workshop
Organised by:
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Faculty of Humanities
Within the framework of the Llavor project (23 00062): Magdalena Bosch, Gabriel Fernández Borsot, Abel Miró i Comas.
With cooperation from:
UIC Barcelona Observatory on Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies (OIANT) and ALFA Meetings