
200 secondary school students take exam at UIC Barcelona

Some 200 students from 14 Catalan schools have taken the tests to certify B1 and B2 English levels at UIC Barcelona. The exam, promoted by the Department of Applied Linguistics, led by Santillana - Richmond Publishing, took place this Friday in the University’s Aula Magna

The exam was divided into four parts: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Students will complete the speaking test over the next few days at their respective schools.

Accreditation and language learning are essential for lower and upper secondary students, as educational institutions and the work world officially require knowledge in third languages. 
In the last eight editions, more than 1000 students from all over Catalonia have been able to accredit their level of English at UIC Barcelona as part of the Innovation in English Language Teaching Classroom initiative.

The UIC Barcelona Department of Applied Linguistics encourages certification and language training for all ages with onsite, online and hybrid courses. Within the Department of Applied Linguistics, the Institute for Multilingualism conducts research in applied linguistics, ensures the overall linguistic quality and sociocultural enrichment and improvement of linguistic skills of the entire university community.