
Dr Vidal publishes a new chapter on SDGs and effective learning techniques

The Vice-Dean and lecturer from UIC Barcelona's Faculty of Education, Salvador Vidal, has published a new chapter entitled “Neurociencia aplicada a la didáctica de las matemáticas y ODS” (Neuroscience applied to teaching mathematics and SDGs) as part of the book Nuevas dimensiones de la educación: gamificación, TIC y e-learning (New dimensions of education: gamification, ICT and e-learning).

In his article, Vidal confirms how “neuroscience has taught us that our brain performs best as retaining information when we are able to engage with it emotionally”. He demonstrates his theory by explaining the teaching methods he uses in his classes on teaching and learning mathematics, as part of the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education at UIC Barcelona.
Vidal also incorporates the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDG) into his classes, and explores SDG 4 (Quality Education) in his most recent chapter. The mission of this particular goal is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and motivation they need to understand and promote sustainable development. 
As such, the lecturer has highlighted how “this motivation can be found in teamwork”, a collaborative technique that provides very positive results and that, as evidenced, “students find to be one of the most satisfying ways of working, helping them learn in a more efficient way”.
That being said, a student’s good performance is only possible thanks to good teaching methodologies and techniques. “A good teacher will always accompany his or her students on their road to success”, concludes Vidal.
You can view all chapters from the book by following this link.