Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Business Management Principles

Business Management Principles
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Attention to students will be done by email and after classes.


This course aims to introduce the student to the business world in which he will develop his professional life. To do this, it facilitates the acquisition of basic knowledge about business organizations and their operation, which allow the student to broaden their vision from different perspectives: economic, legal, organizational and human, among others.

The subject has a practical orientation, where, starting from the essential theoretical concepts, we work with examples and cases where these come true. Thus, the student, through an active role in this dynamic, anticipates the scenarios in which he will surely find himself in the development of his professional future.

Pre-course requirements

To have completed the subject of Organizational Psychology.


  • Understand what the company is, typologies, and the key elements of its organization and governance.
  • Understand the fundamental aspects of the financial report and how to interpret it.
  • Know different forms of collaborative work and management within organizations, with special attention to the most recent ones.
  • Understand the role of innovation and its development strategies in companies.
  • Know how to recognize and distinguish when there is an employment relationship with respect to other legal relationships.
  • Know how the benefit, the amount and the characteristics of the worker's benefit are determined, as well as the resolution of the conflict: mediation and conciliation.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the subject the students will be able to:

  • Identify the essential elements of a company and its governance.
  • Analyze in a general approach the finances of a company.
  • Recognize the different forms of collaborative work and management within organizations.
  • Visualize the role of innovation and its strategies within companies.
  • Prepare, write, and fill in certain documents necessary in labor relations.


1. Introduction to the company, organization and government

  • The company concept, objectives
  • Functions and roles in the company
  • Organizational and governance structures

 2. Finance principles

  • Business models and profitability
  • Key elements for the financial management of a business
  • Understand the financial reports

 3. Dynamics of collaborative work in the company

  • Keys for a successful teamwork
  • Leadership styles

 4. Project management concepts

  • Introduction to project management methodology
  • The new agile methodologies

 5. Introduction to innovation

  • The concept of innovation, objectives and its importance in the current environment
  • Types of innovation
  • Innovation tools

 6. Principles of labor law

  • The employment relationship and its protagonists: the worker and the ownership of the company
  • Labor market, employment policy and employment contract
  • Labor conflict: labor administration and social jurisdiction

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodology used in this subject will be active and focused on the student, who will be the protagonist in their learning process and development of skills. This methodology combines lectures, practical learning (team dynamics, case studies, reading analysis and audiovisual resources) and preparation of teamwork.

The subject requires both individual and autonomous work from students as well as teamwork. In addition to the continuous work that requires the preparation and use of the different theoretical and practical sessions, the students must carry out teamwork.

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of the subject is carried out based on:

  • Final exam (50%)
  • Group work (30%)
  • Individual and collective practical activities (20 %)


  1. You will have to obtain a minimum grade of 5.0 in the final exam and in the group work to be able to average with the rest of the grades.
  2. Carrying out the practical activities is understood as a continuous assessment, and therefore its NO delivery according to the established dates will imply the impossibility of having that part of the note.
  3. Plagiarism, copying or any other action that could be considered cheating will result in a zero in that evaluation section. Performing it in the exams will suppose the immediate suspense of the subject.
  4. In the second call it will not be possible to obtain the grade of "Honors", so the maximum grade will be "Excellent".

Bibliography and resources

Blank, Steve y Dorf, Bob, "El manual del propietario de la startup: la guía paso a paso para construir una gran empresa"

Carpenter, M. A. y Sanders, W. G., (2009). "Gestión Estratégica, conceptos y casos" (2ª edición). Upper Saddle River, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall

García Ninet, J.I (dir.) et al. “Derecho del Trabajo”, 10ª y 11ª ed., Cizur Menor: Thomson Aranzadi.

Kim, W. C. and Mauborgne, R. (2005). “Blue Ocean Strategy: “Cómo crear un espacio de mercado indiscutible y hacer que la competencia sea irrelevante”. Harvard Business Review Press

Osterwalder, A.; Pigneur, Y. (2011) Generación de modelos de negocio – Un manual para visionarios, revolucionarios y retadores. Ed. Deusto, Barcelona.

Pinson, Linda, "Anatomía de un plan de negocios: la guía paso a paso para construir un negocio y asegurar el futuro de su empresa"

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 11/01/2024 A11 12:00h