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Professor Agregat o Titular
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
Department of Economy and Business Organization
Ètica a l'Economia i l'Empresa
  • Academic training
  • Professional experience
  • Acknowledgements
    • Competitive
    • Non-competitive
    • Articles
    • Books
    • Book chapters
  • Subjects taught

Academic training

  • PhD. en Filosofia
  • Universidad de Navarra
  • PhD. en Dirección de Empresas (Titol propi IESE)
  • IESE-Universidad de Navarra
  • Llic. Filosofia
  • Universidad de Navarra

15/07/1997 Doctor Direció d'empreses UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA
28/09/1988 Doctor Filosofia i Lletres UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA
30/06/1984 Llicenciat Filosofia i Lletres UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA

Professional experience

Holder of a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Navarra and a PhD in Business Management from the IESE Business School. Tenured lecturer at UIC Barcelona. Previously dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences at UIC Barcelona. Author of books and specialised articles about the decision-making process in organisations.


  • Concurso para estudios sobre Dimensiones de la voluntad
    Estudios sobre dimensiones de la voluntad, 2012
  • Premio extraordinario de Doctorado
    Tesis de Doctorado, 1988
  • Premi Extraordinari de la Llicenciatura en Filosofia
    Llicenciatura en Filosofia, 1984


  • DEPART: El derecho a participar en la vida cultural de la ciudad: desigualdades y políticas de equidad
    PI: Barbieri, N. Start date: 01/09/2023 End date: 31/08/2026
    Financing entity: MINE - MINECO. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Financing entity code: PID2022-138429OA-I00
  • Validació d'un pilot d'App per aprendre actituds cíviques en l'ús responsable de la IA
    PI: Bosch Rabell, M Start date: 01/02/2024 End date: 31/07/2024
    Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR Financing entity code: 2023 LLAV 00062
  • Digitalización y accesibilidad en las artes escénicas para adultos mayores
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/09/2021 End date: 31/07/2023
    Financing entity: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT - México Financing entity code: 2021-000020-02EXTF-00092
  • Metodología para la toma de decisiones en exposiciones temporales de museos
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/09/2019 End date: 31/08/2022
    Financing entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca AGAUR Financing entity code: AGAUR 2019 Fi-B 01196
  • El desenvolupament de la sostenibilitat des de la missió corporativa a l'empresa. (Doctorat Industrial)
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/03/2017 End date: 01/03/2020
    Financing entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca AGAUR; Aguas de Barcelona Financing entity code: 2016DI081
  • "Individualismo y societarismo en A. Macintyre"
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/03/2001 End date: 28/02/2005
    Financing entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Financing entity code: AP2000-426, Resolución 10 abril de 2001 de la
  • "Ètica y economía. El pensamiento de Amartya Sen"
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 18/02/1999 End date: 31/01/2001
    Financing entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Financing entity code: AP98 46659132, Resolución ministerial de 18
  • Ocupació a Catalunya en el sector de la gestió cultural
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/12/1998 End date: 30/06/1999
    Financing entity: Generalitat de Catalunya. Institut Català de Noves Professions (INCANOP) Financing entity code: DOGC 2739 de 7/10/98 y la resolución de 22 de dic


  • Els canvis en la gestió de la cultura a Catalunya post-COVID-19. De la presencialitat a la virtualitat
    PI: Crispí Canton, M Start date: 01/09/2020 End date: 31/08/2021
    Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
  • Desarrollo sostenible basado en la misión: el modelo de Aguas de Barcelona
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/07/2017 End date: 30/09/2018
    Financing entity: Aigües de Barcelona
  • Cátedra Dirección por Misiones
    PI: Bastons, Miquel; Rey, C. Start date: 29/03/2012 End date: 28/03/2018
    Financing entity: Corporación Jiménez Maña; Industrial Química del Nalón; HUF Portuguesa; Semillas Fitó; Kern Pharma; Aitex
  • Direcció d'Organitzacions al Segle XXI (Grup de Recerca Consolidat)
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/06/2009 End date: 31/12/2016
    Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR
  • L'aplicabilitat del màrketing a la gestió universitària. Una anàlisi de l'entorn socioeconomic
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2008
    Financing entity: Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals IBEI
  • Perspectivas de desarrollo de la Ciencia Urbanística
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/10/1996 End date: 31/08/1997
    Financing entity: PIUNA-Universidad de Navarra


  • Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección, Responsibility, sustainability and solidarity. What is CSR about?
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Imbernón, Ú. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 51 End page: 61 Vol.: 32
    ISSN or title: 1887-5696
  • Sustainability, Purpose Implementation: Conceptualization and Measurement
    Name: Lleó, Á.; Bastons, Miquel; Rey, C.; Ruiz-Perez, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 13 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050
  • Journal of management, spirituality and religion: an international blind refereed journal, Spirituality as reinforcement of people-focused work: a philosophical foundation
    Name: Bosch Rabell, M; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
  • Long range planning, Three dimensions of effective mission implementation
    Name: Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 580 End page: 585 Vol.: 51 No.: 4
  • Journal of management and organization, Pro-stakeholders Motivation: uncovering a new source of motivation for business companies
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Mas-Machuca, M.; Rey, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 621 End page: 632 Vol.: 23 No.: 5
  • Science and engineering ethics, Realism and Impartiality: Making Sustainability Effective in Decision-Making
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Armengou, Jaume Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 969 End page: 987 Vol.: 23 No.: 4
  • Harvard Deusto Business Review, Claves para la implementación de la gestión cultural basada en la misión
    Name: Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 20 End page: 30 Vol.: 261
    ISSN or title: 0210-900X
  • Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics, Human habitat, space and place
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Armengou, Jaume Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 559 End page: 570 Vol.: 29 No.: 4
  • Revista de calidad asistencial, Management by missions in the healthcare sector
    Name: Fonseca Pires, J.; Rey, C.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 239 End page: 242 Vol.: 31
  • Opción, Prosocial Model in Museum Management Communication. The Case Study of Thyssen-Bornemisza
    Name: Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel; Berlanga, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 1008 End page: 1026 Vol.: 31 No.: 2
    ISSN or title: 1012-1587
  • Journal of business ethics, The role of virtues in the framing of decisions
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008
    Start page: 389 End page: 400 Vol.: 78, 3
    ISSN or title: 0167-4544
  • In Itinere, La justicia en las decisiones
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 197 End page: 205 Vol.: 1 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 987-21389-4-9
  • Studia Poliana, Movimiento, operación, acción y producción
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003
    Start page: 121 End page: 139 Vol.: 6
    ISSN or title: 1139-6660
  • Harvard-Deusto Business Review, La estructura de las decisiones directivas
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995
    Start page: 26 End page: 33 Vol.: 67
    ISSN or title: 0210-900X
  • "Servicios de Documentación", Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, El mercado y la empresa como formas alternativas de decidir
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995
    Start page: 11 End page: 21 Vol.: 30
  • Anuario Filosofico, Vivir y habitar en la ciudad
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1994
    Start page: 541 End page: 556 Vol.: 27
    ISSN or title: 0066-5215
  • "Servicios de Documentación", Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, El criterio del valor esperado (VE) en la toma de decisiones empresariales
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1993
    Start page: 13 End page: 18 Vol.: 24
  • Anales Del Seminario De Historia De La Filosofia, La "Critica de la razón práctica" como saber transcendental
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992
    Start page: 89 End page: 97 Vol.: 9
    ISSN or title: 0211-2337
  • Anuario Filosofico, Teoría del movimiento. Análisis de actividades y procesos
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992
    Start page: 177 End page: 189 Vol.: 25
    ISSN or title: 0066-5215
  • Servicios de Documentación del Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, La participación del capital en la cultura de la empresa
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988
    Vol.: 5
  • Servicios de Documentación del Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, La calidad como punto de encuentro de la empresa con la filosofía
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1987
  • Annals de l´Institut d´Estudis empurdanesos, Correspondència de figuerencs a Unamuno: Estudi especial -vida, pensament i cartes- de Joaquim Xirau (1895-1946)
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1984
    Start page: 341 End page: 355 Vol.: 1


  • Logro mis objetivos …¿pero hago lo correcto? 22 respuestas para una ética en la toma de decisiones
    Publishing date: 2021 Isbn: 978-84-1346-422-0
  • Purpose-driven organizations: management ideas for a better world
    Publishing date: 2019 Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-17674-7 Isbn: 978-3-030-17673-0
  • Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management
    Publishing date: 2017 Isbn: 978-94-007-6509-2
  • Nuevas coordenadas éticas para la empresa y la sociedad
    Publishing date: 2013 Isbn: 978-84935847-5-7
  • Filòsofs davant la guerra: reflexions al voltant de la Guerra de l'Iraq
    Publishing date: 2004 Isbn: 8493149241
  • Tomar decisiones: la inevitable cuestión ¿éxito o fracaso?
    Publishing date: 2004 Isbn: 84-344-4845-9
  • La inteligencia práctica: la filosofía de la acción en Aristóteles
    Publishing date: 2003 Isbn: 84-931492-2-5
  • Perfils professionals de la gestió cultural
    Publishing date: 2000 Isbn: 84-393-5011-2
  • La toma de decisiones en la organización
    Publishing date: 2000 Isbn: 84-344-2876-8
  • El humanismo en la empresa
    Publishing date: 1992 Isbn: 84-321-2861-9
  • La vertiente humana del trabajo en la empresa
    Publishing date: 1990 Isbn: 978-8432125683
  • Conocimiento y libertad. La teoría kantiana de la acción
    Publishing date: 1989 Isbn: 84-313-1085-5


  • Corporate Responsibility: Understanding (and Misunderstanding) of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Solidarity. Building Global Societies Towards an ESG World. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 12/07/2024
    Start page: 51 End page: 75
    ISBN: 978-3-031-56618-9
  • Being “on a Mission” at Work: How to Make Mission Statements Effective in the Healthcare Sector. Regionalized Management of Medicine
    Name: Fonseca, J.; de Carvalho, D.; Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel; Mas, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 18/07/2022
    Start page: 209 End page: 226
    ISBN: 978-981-16-7892-9
  • Being “on a Mission” at Work: How to Make Mission Statements Effective in the Healthcare Sector. Regionalized Management of Medicine. Translational Bioinformatics
    Name: Fonseca Pires, J.; de Carvalho, D.; Bastons, Miquel; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 06/07/2022
    Start page: 209 End page: 226
    ISBN: 978-981-16-7892-9
  • The Role of Desire in Action. M. Bosch (ED.) Desire and Human Flourishing. Perspectives on Positive Psychology, Moral Education and Virtue Ethics
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/09/2020
    Start page: 311 End page: 328
    ISBN: 978-3-030-47000-5
  • Mission-Based Corporate Sustainability: The Aigües de Barcelona Model. Responsible Business in a Changing World. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Benguría, R.; Armengou, Jaume; Rey, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/04/2020
    Start page: 311 End page: 328
    ISBN: 978-3-030-36969-9
  • Three Dimensions of Purpose: Knowledge, Motivation, and Action. Purpose-driven Organizations. Management Ideas for a Better World
    Name: Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/11/2019
    Start page: 29 End page: 41
    ISBN: 978-3-030-17673-0
  • Prosocial motivation and selflessness in cultural institutions. A case study of CAC Málaga. Selflessness in business
    Name: Pérez-Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 09/2019
    Start page: 171 End page: 186
    ISBN: 978-1-62273-639-3
  • Prosocial Motivation and Selflessness in Cultural Institutions. A Case Study of CAC Málaga. Selflessness in Business (Series in Business and Finance)
    Name: Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/06/2019
    Start page: 171 End page: 186
    ISBN: 978-1-62273-639-3
  • Three dimensions of purpose: knowledge, motivation, and action. Purpose-driven organizations: management ideas for a better world
    Name: Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 29 End page: 41
    ISBN: 978-3-030-17673-0
  • Knowledge, preferences and virtues in the decision. Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 693 End page: 702
    ISBN: 978-94-007-6509-2
  • Inteligencia y buen gusto. Escribir en las almas: estudios en honor de Rafael Alvira
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 35 End page: 43
    ISBN: 978-84-313-2970-9
  • Una visión humanística de la empresa: su dimensión explícita y su dimensión implícita. Nuevas coordenadas éticas para la empresa y la sociedad
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 169 End page: 196
    ISBN: 978-84935847-5-7
  • Justicia y gratuidad en la toma de decisiones. El desarrollo humano integral: comentarios interdisciplinares a la encíclica "Caritas in veritate" de Benedicto XVI
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 259 End page: 271
    ISBN: 978-84-938401-0-5
  • Principis per a la presa de decisions en salut. Territoris humans de la salut: societat, cultura i valors en el món sanitari
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008
    Start page: 47 End page: 67
    ISBN: 9788493643188
  • Le virtú morali nei processi decisionali: un contributo tomista ad una teoria della decisione. Riscoprire le radici e i valori comuni della civiltà occidentale: in concetto di legge in Tommaso d'Aquino
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007
    Start page: 351 End page: 373
    ISBN: 88-498-1851-2
  • Autoridad y motivación. La autoridad revisitada
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005
    Start page: 249 End page: 278
    ISBN: 84-934127-1-6
  • La justícia en les decisions. Filòsofs davant la guerra: reflexions al voltant de la Guerra de l'Iraq
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 17 End page: 28
    ISBN: 8493149241
  • L’autoritat dins una organització. Idees d'autoritat
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002
    Start page: 235 End page: 255
    ISBN: 84-86887-56-9
  • Humanitats i gestió cultural. Humanitats per al tercer mil·leni
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001
    Start page: 115 End page: 117
    ISBN: 84-931088-5-5
  • La organización del espacio urbano. Perspectivas demográfico-sociales, urbanísticas y territoriales en el umbral del siglo XXI
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995
    Start page: 215 End page: 234
    ISBN: 84-313-1337-4
  • La mutazione della cultura contemporanea. Verso il moderno futuro: nuove strategie per il territorio della complessità
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1993
    Start page: 25 End page: 32
  • Ciencia, tecnología y humanismo. El humanismo en la empresa
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992
    Start page: 85 End page: 102
    ISBN: 84-321-2861-9
  • Ethics and the definition of business strategy. People in corporations: ethical responsabilities and corporate effectiveness
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1990
    Start page: 189 End page: 195
    ISBN: 0-7923-0829-8
  • La voluntad en la praxis. Dimensiones de la voluntad
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988
    Start page: 222 End page: 238
    ISBN: 84-237-0725-3

Subjects taught

Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Management
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Research Project II
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - General Ethics
    • - Business Management
    • - Final Degree Project
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 1
    • - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 1
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Management
    • - Final Degree Project
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Business Economics
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Cultural Project (TFM)
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 19 - 20
    • - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 19-20
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Final Degree Project
    • - Business Economics
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 18 - 19
    • - Mòdul 2 Humanístic
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Organizational Behaviour
    • - Business Economics
    • - Final Degree Project
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado Ciencias Sociales
    • - Módulo 2 Humanístico
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado
    • - Módulo 2 Humanístico
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Organizational Behaviour
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Society and Culture in the 21st Century
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Cultural Project (TFM)
  • Others
    Postgraduate Degree in Leadership and Bussiness Administration in Educational Centres
    • - Antropologia de l'acció Directiva i Ètica de la Direcció
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
    • - Business Ethics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Society and Culture in the 21st Century
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's degree in Human, Social and Legal Science Research
    • - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
    • - Analisis de Decisiones
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Human, Social and Legal Science Research
    • - Analisis de Decisiones
    • - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
    • - Coaching/Assessorament
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Human, Social and Legal Science Research
    • - Analisis de Decisiones
    • - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
    • - Company Economics 2
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Human, Social and Legal Science Research
    • - Analisis de Decisiones
    • - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
Course 2008-2009 - Period: 01/09/2008 - 31/08/2009
  • Official Master
    University Master's degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Skills for Arts Management
    University Master's degree in Human, Social and Legal Science Research
    • - Proyecto de Investigación I.(fase de Diseño)
    • - Analisis de Decisiones
    • - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
  • Others
    Bachelor in Tecnology and Business
    • - Organizzazione Produttiva e Relazioni Industriali
Course 2007-2008 - Period: 01/09/2007 - 31/08/2008
  • Official Master
    University Master's degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Skills for Arts Management
    University Master's degree in Human, Social and Legal Science Research
    • - Proyecto de Investigación I.(fase de Diseño)
    • - Analisis de Decisiones
    • - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
  • Others
    Bachelor in Tecnology and Business
    • - Análisis de Decisiones
    • - Organizzazione Produttiva e Relazioni Industriali
Course 2006-2007 - Period: 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2007
  • PhD
    Las Humanidades Hoy: Educación, Comunicación, Empresa
    • - La Toma de Decisiones en la Empresa
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
    • - Business Ethics
  • Others
    Bachelor in Tecnology and Business
    • - Análisis de Decisiones
    • - Organizzazione Produttiva e Relazioni Industriali
    • - Tirocinio
    Master in Culture Management
    • - Skills for Arts Management
Course 2005-2006 - Period: 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2006
  • PhD
    Las Humanidades Hoy: Educación, Comunicación, Empresa
    • - La Toma de Decisiones en la Empresa
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
  • Others
    Bachelor in Tecnology and Business
    • - Análisis de Decisiones
    • - Organizzazione Produttiva e Relazioni Industriali
    • - Tirocinio
    Master History, Architecture & Design
    • - Theoretical Criticism. Object Theory. Criticism Fortune. Architectonical Criticism.
    Master in Culture Management
    • - Introduction to Management
Course 2004-2005 - Period: 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
  • PhD
    Ph.D. History, Architecture & Design
    • - Theoretical Critique. Object Theory. "Critical Fortune". Architectural Critique.
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
    Degree in Law
    • - Ethics
  • Others
    Bachelor in Tecnology and Business
    • - Organizzazione Produttiva e Relazioni Industriali
    Master History, Architecture & Design
    • - Theoretical Critique. Object Theory.
    Master in Culture Management
    • - Introduction to Management
    Nursing Sciences (2nd cycle)
    • - Economia de la Salud 1
Course 2003-2004 - Period: 01/09/2003 - 31/08/2004
  • PhD
    Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Humanas y Jurídicas
    • - Human Behavior Models in Social Sciences
    • - Metodologia de las ciencias humanas y sociales
  • Degree
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Company Economics 1
  • Others
    Bachelor in Tecnology and Business (I)
    • - Analisi Delle Dezisioni Aziendali
    Máster en Gestión de Instituciones Culturales
    • - Introducción a la gestión
    Nursing Sciences (2nd cycle)
    • - Economia de la Salud 1
    Specialized Physical Therapy
    • - Economia de la Salud. Gestión 1
Course 2002-2003 - Period: 01/09/2002 - 31/08/2003
  • PhD
    Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Humanas y Jurídicas
    • - Metodologia de las ciencias humanas y sociales
  • Diploma
    Diploma in Political and Public Administration Sciences
    • - Ethics
  • Others
    Máster en Gestión de Instituciones Culturales 2002
    • - Introducción a la gestión
    Máster en Historia, Arquitectura y Diseño 2002 - 2003
    • - Teoría,crítica arquitectura
    Nursing Sciences (2nd Cycle)
    • - Economia de la Salud 1
    Specialized Physical Therapy
    • - Economia de la Salud. Gestión 1
Course 2001-2002 - Period: 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2002
  • PhD
    Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Humanas y Jurídicas
    • - Metodologia de las ciencias humanas y sociales
  • Degree
    Degree in Arts
    • - Management of Culture 1
  • Diploma
    Diploma in Political and Public Administration Sciences
    • - Ethics
  • Others
    • - Introducción a la Gestión
Course 2000-2001 - Period: 01/09/2000 - 31/08/2001
  • Degree
    Degree in Arts
    • - Management of Culture 1
  • Diploma
    Diploma in Political and Public Administration Sciences
    • - Sociology 1
    • - Sociology 2
Course 1999-2000 - Period: 01/09/1999 - 31/08/2000
  • Degree
    Degree in Arts
    • - Introducción a la gestión de la cultura y las instituciones culturales
    • - Management of Culture 1
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Labor Relations
  • Diploma
    Diploma in Political and Public Administration Sciences
    • - Ethics
Course 1998-1999 - Period: 01/09/1998 - 31/08/1999
  • Degree
    Degree in Arts
    • - The Methodology of Scientific Research
    • - Introduction to Ethics
    • - Introducción a la gestión de la cultura y las instituciones culturales
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Decision-Making Analysis
Course 1997-1998 - Period: 01/09/1997 - 31/08/1998
  • Degree
    Degree in Arts
    • - Introduction to Humanities 2
    • - The Methodology of Scientific Research
    Degree in Business Management
    • - Introduction to Humanities 1
    • - Introduction to Humanities 2
    • - Introduction to Humanities 3
    Degree in Law
    • - Introduction to Humanities 1
    • - Introduction to Humanities 3

Academic training

  • PhD. en Filosofia
  • Universidad de Navarra
  • PhD. en Dirección de Empresas (Titol propi IESE)
  • IESE-Universidad de Navarra
  • Llic. Filosofia
  • Universidad de Navarra

15/07/1997 Doctor Direció d'empreses UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA
28/09/1988 Doctor Filosofia i Lletres UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA
30/06/1984 Llicenciat Filosofia i Lletres UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA

Professional experience

Holder of a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Navarra and a PhD in Business Management from the IESE Business School. Tenured lecturer at UIC Barcelona. Previously dean of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences at UIC Barcelona. Author of books and specialised articles about the decision-making process in organisations.


  • Concurso para estudios sobre Dimensiones de la voluntad
    Estudios sobre dimensiones de la voluntad, 2012
  • Premio extraordinario de Doctorado
    Tesis de Doctorado, 1988
  • Premi Extraordinari de la Llicenciatura en Filosofia
    Llicenciatura en Filosofia, 1984



  • DEPART: El derecho a participar en la vida cultural de la ciudad: desigualdades y políticas de equidad
    PI: Barbieri, N. Start date: 01/09/2023 End date: 31/08/2026
    Financing entity: MINE - MINECO. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Financing entity code: PID2022-138429OA-I00
  • Validació d'un pilot d'App per aprendre actituds cíviques en l'ús responsable de la IA
    PI: Bosch Rabell, M Start date: 01/02/2024 End date: 31/07/2024
    Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR Financing entity code: 2023 LLAV 00062
  • Digitalización y accesibilidad en las artes escénicas para adultos mayores
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/09/2021 End date: 31/07/2023
    Financing entity: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT - México Financing entity code: 2021-000020-02EXTF-00092
  • Metodología para la toma de decisiones en exposiciones temporales de museos
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/09/2019 End date: 31/08/2022
    Financing entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca AGAUR Financing entity code: AGAUR 2019 Fi-B 01196
  • El desenvolupament de la sostenibilitat des de la missió corporativa a l'empresa. (Doctorat Industrial)
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/03/2017 End date: 01/03/2020
    Financing entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca AGAUR; Aguas de Barcelona Financing entity code: 2016DI081
  • "Individualismo y societarismo en A. Macintyre"
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/03/2001 End date: 28/02/2005
    Financing entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Financing entity code: AP2000-426, Resolución 10 abril de 2001 de la
  • "Ètica y economía. El pensamiento de Amartya Sen"
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 18/02/1999 End date: 31/01/2001
    Financing entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Financing entity code: AP98 46659132, Resolución ministerial de 18
  • Ocupació a Catalunya en el sector de la gestió cultural
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/12/1998 End date: 30/06/1999
    Financing entity: Generalitat de Catalunya. Institut Català de Noves Professions (INCANOP) Financing entity code: DOGC 2739 de 7/10/98 y la resolución de 22 de dic
  • Els canvis en la gestió de la cultura a Catalunya post-COVID-19. De la presencialitat a la virtualitat
    PI: Crispí Canton, M Start date: 01/09/2020 End date: 31/08/2021
    Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
  • Desarrollo sostenible basado en la misión: el modelo de Aguas de Barcelona
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/07/2017 End date: 30/09/2018
    Financing entity: Aigües de Barcelona
  • Cátedra Dirección por Misiones
    PI: Bastons, Miquel; Rey, C. Start date: 29/03/2012 End date: 28/03/2018
    Financing entity: Corporación Jiménez Maña; Industrial Química del Nalón; HUF Portuguesa; Semillas Fitó; Kern Pharma; Aitex
  • Direcció d'Organitzacions al Segle XXI (Grup de Recerca Consolidat)
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/06/2009 End date: 31/12/2016
    Financing entity: Agencia de Gestió d'ajudas Universitaries Investigació AGAUR
  • L'aplicabilitat del màrketing a la gestió universitària. Una anàlisi de l'entorn socioeconomic
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2008
    Financing entity: Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals IBEI
  • Perspectivas de desarrollo de la Ciencia Urbanística
    PI: Bastons, Miquel Start date: 01/10/1996 End date: 31/08/1997
    Financing entity: PIUNA-Universidad de Navarra



Book chapters

  • Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección, Responsibility, sustainability and solidarity. What is CSR about?
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Imbernón, Ú. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 51 End page: 61 Vol.: 32
    ISSN or title: 1887-5696
  • Sustainability, Purpose Implementation: Conceptualization and Measurement
    Name: Lleó, Á.; Bastons, Miquel; Rey, C.; Ruiz-Perez, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 13 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2071-1050
  • Journal of management, spirituality and religion: an international blind refereed journal, Spirituality as reinforcement of people-focused work: a philosophical foundation
    Name: Bosch Rabell, M; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
  • Long range planning, Three dimensions of effective mission implementation
    Name: Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 580 End page: 585 Vol.: 51 No.: 4
  • Journal of management and organization, Pro-stakeholders Motivation: uncovering a new source of motivation for business companies
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Mas-Machuca, M.; Rey, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 621 End page: 632 Vol.: 23 No.: 5
  • Science and engineering ethics, Realism and Impartiality: Making Sustainability Effective in Decision-Making
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Armengou, Jaume Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 969 End page: 987 Vol.: 23 No.: 4
  • Harvard Deusto Business Review, Claves para la implementación de la gestión cultural basada en la misión
    Name: Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 20 End page: 30 Vol.: 261
    ISSN or title: 0210-900X
  • Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics, Human habitat, space and place
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Armengou, Jaume Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 559 End page: 570 Vol.: 29 No.: 4
  • Revista de calidad asistencial, Management by missions in the healthcare sector
    Name: Fonseca Pires, J.; Rey, C.; Mas-Machuca, M.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 239 End page: 242 Vol.: 31
  • Opción, Prosocial Model in Museum Management Communication. The Case Study of Thyssen-Bornemisza
    Name: Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel; Berlanga, I. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 1008 End page: 1026 Vol.: 31 No.: 2
    ISSN or title: 1012-1587
  • Journal of business ethics, The role of virtues in the framing of decisions
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008
    Start page: 389 End page: 400 Vol.: 78, 3
    ISSN or title: 0167-4544
  • In Itinere, La justicia en las decisiones
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 197 End page: 205 Vol.: 1 No.: 1
    ISSN or title: 987-21389-4-9
  • Studia Poliana, Movimiento, operación, acción y producción
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003
    Start page: 121 End page: 139 Vol.: 6
    ISSN or title: 1139-6660
  • Harvard-Deusto Business Review, La estructura de las decisiones directivas
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995
    Start page: 26 End page: 33 Vol.: 67
    ISSN or title: 0210-900X
  • "Servicios de Documentación", Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, El mercado y la empresa como formas alternativas de decidir
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995
    Start page: 11 End page: 21 Vol.: 30
  • Anuario Filosofico, Vivir y habitar en la ciudad
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1994
    Start page: 541 End page: 556 Vol.: 27
    ISSN or title: 0066-5215
  • "Servicios de Documentación", Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, El criterio del valor esperado (VE) en la toma de decisiones empresariales
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1993
    Start page: 13 End page: 18 Vol.: 24
  • Anales Del Seminario De Historia De La Filosofia, La "Critica de la razón práctica" como saber transcendental
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992
    Start page: 89 End page: 97 Vol.: 9
    ISSN or title: 0211-2337
  • Anuario Filosofico, Teoría del movimiento. Análisis de actividades y procesos
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992
    Start page: 177 End page: 189 Vol.: 25
    ISSN or title: 0066-5215
  • Servicios de Documentación del Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, La participación del capital en la cultura de la empresa
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988
    Vol.: 5
  • Servicios de Documentación del Seminario Permanente Empresa y Humanismo, La calidad como punto de encuentro de la empresa con la filosofía
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1987
  • Annals de l´Institut d´Estudis empurdanesos, Correspondència de figuerencs a Unamuno: Estudi especial -vida, pensament i cartes- de Joaquim Xirau (1895-1946)
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1984
    Start page: 341 End page: 355 Vol.: 1
  • Logro mis objetivos …¿pero hago lo correcto? 22 respuestas para una ética en la toma de decisiones
    Publishing date: 2021 Isbn: 978-84-1346-422-0
  • Purpose-driven organizations: management ideas for a better world
    Publishing date: 2019 Doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-17674-7 Isbn: 978-3-030-17673-0
  • Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management
    Publishing date: 2017 Isbn: 978-94-007-6509-2
  • Nuevas coordenadas éticas para la empresa y la sociedad
    Publishing date: 2013 Isbn: 978-84935847-5-7
  • Filòsofs davant la guerra: reflexions al voltant de la Guerra de l'Iraq
    Publishing date: 2004 Isbn: 8493149241
  • Tomar decisiones: la inevitable cuestión ¿éxito o fracaso?
    Publishing date: 2004 Isbn: 84-344-4845-9
  • La inteligencia práctica: la filosofía de la acción en Aristóteles
    Publishing date: 2003 Isbn: 84-931492-2-5
  • Perfils professionals de la gestió cultural
    Publishing date: 2000 Isbn: 84-393-5011-2
  • La toma de decisiones en la organización
    Publishing date: 2000 Isbn: 84-344-2876-8
  • El humanismo en la empresa
    Publishing date: 1992 Isbn: 84-321-2861-9
  • La vertiente humana del trabajo en la empresa
    Publishing date: 1990 Isbn: 978-8432125683
  • Conocimiento y libertad. La teoría kantiana de la acción
    Publishing date: 1989 Isbn: 84-313-1085-5
  • Corporate Responsibility: Understanding (and Misunderstanding) of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Solidarity. Building Global Societies Towards an ESG World. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 12/07/2024
    Start page: 51 End page: 75
    ISBN: 978-3-031-56618-9
  • Being “on a Mission” at Work: How to Make Mission Statements Effective in the Healthcare Sector. Regionalized Management of Medicine
    Name: Fonseca, J.; de Carvalho, D.; Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel; Mas, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 18/07/2022
    Start page: 209 End page: 226
    ISBN: 978-981-16-7892-9
  • Being “on a Mission” at Work: How to Make Mission Statements Effective in the Healthcare Sector. Regionalized Management of Medicine. Translational Bioinformatics
    Name: Fonseca Pires, J.; de Carvalho, D.; Bastons, Miquel; Mas-Machuca, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 06/07/2022
    Start page: 209 End page: 226
    ISBN: 978-981-16-7892-9
  • The Role of Desire in Action. M. Bosch (ED.) Desire and Human Flourishing. Perspectives on Positive Psychology, Moral Education and Virtue Ethics
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 01/09/2020
    Start page: 311 End page: 328
    ISBN: 978-3-030-47000-5
  • Mission-Based Corporate Sustainability: The Aigües de Barcelona Model. Responsible Business in a Changing World. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance
    Name: Bastons, Miquel; Benguría, R.; Armengou, Jaume; Rey, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/04/2020
    Start page: 311 End page: 328
    ISBN: 978-3-030-36969-9
  • Three Dimensions of Purpose: Knowledge, Motivation, and Action. Purpose-driven Organizations. Management Ideas for a Better World
    Name: Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/11/2019
    Start page: 29 End page: 41
    ISBN: 978-3-030-17673-0
  • Prosocial motivation and selflessness in cultural institutions. A case study of CAC Málaga. Selflessness in business
    Name: Pérez-Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 09/2019
    Start page: 171 End page: 186
    ISBN: 978-1-62273-639-3
  • Prosocial Motivation and Selflessness in Cultural Institutions. A Case Study of CAC Málaga. Selflessness in Business (Series in Business and Finance)
    Name: Pérez, L.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/06/2019
    Start page: 171 End page: 186
    ISBN: 978-1-62273-639-3
  • Three dimensions of purpose: knowledge, motivation, and action. Purpose-driven organizations: management ideas for a better world
    Name: Rey, C.; Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 29 End page: 41
    ISBN: 978-3-030-17673-0
  • Knowledge, preferences and virtues in the decision. Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 693 End page: 702
    ISBN: 978-94-007-6509-2
  • Inteligencia y buen gusto. Escribir en las almas: estudios en honor de Rafael Alvira
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 35 End page: 43
    ISBN: 978-84-313-2970-9
  • Una visión humanística de la empresa: su dimensión explícita y su dimensión implícita. Nuevas coordenadas éticas para la empresa y la sociedad
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 169 End page: 196
    ISBN: 978-84935847-5-7
  • Justicia y gratuidad en la toma de decisiones. El desarrollo humano integral: comentarios interdisciplinares a la encíclica "Caritas in veritate" de Benedicto XVI
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Start page: 259 End page: 271
    ISBN: 978-84-938401-0-5
  • Principis per a la presa de decisions en salut. Territoris humans de la salut: societat, cultura i valors en el món sanitari
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2008
    Start page: 47 End page: 67
    ISBN: 9788493643188
  • Le virtú morali nei processi decisionali: un contributo tomista ad una teoria della decisione. Riscoprire le radici e i valori comuni della civiltà occidentale: in concetto di legge in Tommaso d'Aquino
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007
    Start page: 351 End page: 373
    ISBN: 88-498-1851-2
  • Autoridad y motivación. La autoridad revisitada
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005
    Start page: 249 End page: 278
    ISBN: 84-934127-1-6
  • La justícia en les decisions. Filòsofs davant la guerra: reflexions al voltant de la Guerra de l'Iraq
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 17 End page: 28
    ISBN: 8493149241
  • L’autoritat dins una organització. Idees d'autoritat
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002
    Start page: 235 End page: 255
    ISBN: 84-86887-56-9
  • Humanitats i gestió cultural. Humanitats per al tercer mil·leni
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 2001
    Start page: 115 End page: 117
    ISBN: 84-931088-5-5
  • La organización del espacio urbano. Perspectivas demográfico-sociales, urbanísticas y territoriales en el umbral del siglo XXI
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1995
    Start page: 215 End page: 234
    ISBN: 84-313-1337-4
  • La mutazione della cultura contemporanea. Verso il moderno futuro: nuove strategie per il territorio della complessità
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1993
    Start page: 25 End page: 32
  • Ciencia, tecnología y humanismo. El humanismo en la empresa
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1992
    Start page: 85 End page: 102
    ISBN: 84-321-2861-9
  • Ethics and the definition of business strategy. People in corporations: ethical responsabilities and corporate effectiveness
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1990
    Start page: 189 End page: 195
    ISBN: 0-7923-0829-8
  • La voluntad en la praxis. Dimensiones de la voluntad
    Name: Bastons, Miquel Role: Autor Publishing date: 1988
    Start page: 222 End page: 238
    ISBN: 84-237-0725-3
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Management
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Research Project II
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - General Ethics
    • - Business Management
    • - Final Degree Project
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 1
    • - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 1
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Management
    • - Final Degree Project
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Business Economics
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Cultural Project (TFM)
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Funding for Culture
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Final Degree Project
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 19 - 20
    • - Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 19-20
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Final Degree Project
    • - Business Economics
    Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Cultural Studies
    • - Introduction to Economy
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formació del Professorat 18 - 19
    • - Mòdul 2 Humanístic
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Organizational Behaviour
    • - Business Economics
    • - Final Degree Project
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
    • - Gestió de les Organitzacions Sanitàries
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado Ciencias Sociales
    • - Módulo 2 Humanístico
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Funding for Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
  • Others
    Programa Gaudí de Formación del Profesorado
    • - Módulo 2 Humanístico
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Organizational Behaviour
    • - Business Ethics
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Society and Culture in the 21st Century
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Cultural Project (TFM)
  • Others
    Postgraduate Degree in Leadership and Bussiness Administration in Educational Centres
    • - Antropologia de l'acció Directiva i Ètica de la Direcció
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
    • - Business Ethics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    • - Society and Culture in the 21st Century
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master
    University Master's Degree in Arts and Cultural Management
    • - Tools for Managing Culture
    University Master's Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems
    • - Final Master's Degree Project
    University Master's degree in Human, Social and Legal Science Research
    • - Proyecto de Investigación II.(fase Elaboración)
    • - Analisis de Decisiones
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
  • Bachelor’s Degree
    Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration
    • - Business Economics
  • Official Master