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Professor Agregat o Titular
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Medicine
Grupo de evaluación de determinantes de salud y políticas sanitarias
  • Academic training
  • Acknowledgements
  • Research lines
    • Competitive
    • Non-competitive
    • Articles
    • Book chapters
  • Subjects taught

Academic training

  • Doctor en Medicina. Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat i Premi Claustre de Doctors (VI Edició) a la millor Tesi Doctoral de totes les disciplines universitàries del curs 1999/2000
  • Universitat de Barcelona
  • Especialista en Medicina Interna (MIR)
  • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
  • Màster en Direcció d'Institucions Sanitàries
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Master in Business Administration
  • ESADE Business School
  • Diploma en Finances
  • ESADE Business School
  • Graduated in Medicine
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


  • Bastón de Esculapio a la Ciencia con Conciencia
    Excel·lència Professional, 2019
  • Premi a l'excel.lència professional del COMB
    Premi a l'Excel·lència Professional concedit a la trajectòria professional a criteri dels propis companys metges col·legiats, 2018
  • Premio "Mejores Ideas" 2015 en Sanidad (XIV Edición)
    Premio "Mejores Ideas" 2015 (XIV Edición) en Sanidad a nivel de España a la asignatura "Toma de Decisiones Apropiadas en Medicina" de 4º curso del Grado de Medicina de la UIC, 2015
  • Premio "Profesor Barea" año 2012 al Mejor Proyecto de Gestión Global en Instituciones Sanitarios
    Medicina Mayor Ambulatoria y Alternativas a la Hospitalización Convencional como solución a la falta de camas para ingreso hospitalario: resultados tras una década de trabajo conjunto entre clínicos y gestores., 2012
  • Premis Consorci de Salut i Social de Catalunya-Escola Superior d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses (CSC-ESADE)
    12 anys per resoldre l’equació imposible: no tenir malalts ingressats pendents de llit a urgències i mantenir la programació quirúrgica sense anul·lacions., 2010
  • Millor Projecte Final de Màster (MBA) Promoció 2003-05 ESADE Business School (1er Premi)
    "CardioCenter" - Un nou concepte d'Empresa Sanitària, 2005
  • IV Edició Premi Claustre de Doctors de la Universitat de Barcelona
    1er Premi a la Millor Tesi Doctoral d'entre les 155 Tesi de totes les disciplines universitàries de la Universitat de Barcelona que obtingueren la qualificació de Premi Extraordinari el Curs 1999/2000, 2002
  • Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat Curs Acadèmic 1999/2000
    Epidemiologia Clínica i Mesures de Control de les Infeccions Nosocomials per Acinetobacter baumannii, 2001

Research lines

Xavier Corbella (Barcelona, 1964) graduated in Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1988), is specialist in Internal Medicine (1993), PhD of Medicine (Honors) from the University of Barcelona (2000), and Master in Business Administration (MBA) (Honors) from the ESADE Business School (2005). He is Head of the Medical Department at Football Club Barcelona (2022), Vice Dean of the School of Medicine at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (2013), where he is Director of the Hestia Chair in Integrated Health and Social Care (2016) and holds a position of Senior Lecturer of Medicine (2019). From 2005 to 2013 he was Medical Director at Althaia-Hospitals (Manresa), CEO at Bellvitge University Hospital, Managing Director of the Southern Metropolitan Health Area of Barcelona, and CEO at Hospital de Sant Pau (Barcelona). From 2013 to 2022 he has been Head of the Internal Medicine Department at Bellvitge University Hospital, and Secretary General of the European Federation of Internal Medicine (elected in Milan 2017, reelected in Lisbon 2019). He has authored 170 indexed publications, 13 book chapters, and more than 150 invited lectures. He has 4 six-year term of research officialy accredited by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity CNEAI (1995-2000, 2001-2006, 2010-2015, 2016-2021). He has directed 11 doctoral theses and is currently directing other 5.


  • Role of immune system inborn errors as determinants of the COVID-19 severity in hospitalized patients
    PI: Corbella, X.; Lazaro, C. Start date: 01/01/2022 End date: 31/12/2024
    Financing entity: Fundació la Marató de TV3 Financing entity code: 202115-31
  • Do autoantibodies against type I interferons continue to confer a higher risk of severe COVID-19 in fully vaccinated population?
    PI: Corbella, X.; Solanich, X. Start date: 03/01/2022 End date: 02/01/2023
    Financing entity: Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge Financing entity code: COVID-19 INTERNAL CALL FOR RESEARCH PROJECTS
  • Effect of an intensive weight-loss intervention with hypocaloric mediterranean diet, physical activity and behavioral support on primary cardiovascular prevention: PREDIMED-PLUS Trial
    PI: Pinto-Sala, X. Start date: 01/01/2020 End date: 31/12/2022
    Financing entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Financing entity code: PI19/01032
  • Proyecto Coordinado sobre el Abordaje Multinivel de COVID-19 en el ámbito sociosanitario
    PI: Corbella, X. Start date: 30/11/2021 End date: 31/05/2022
    Financing entity: Fundación Hestia Financing entity code: BIH2021-01
  • Efecto de una pérdida de peso con dieta mediterránea hipocalórica y promoción de la actividad física en la prevención primaria cardiovascular: Estudio PREDIMED-PLUS
    PI: Pintó, X. Start date: 01/01/2017 End date: 31/12/2019
    Financing entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Financing entity code: PI16/01094
  • Screening for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) among Older People across Europe (SCOPE)
    PI: Formiga, F. Start date: 01/05/2015 End date: 30/04/2019
    Financing entity: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Financing entity code: 634869
  • Riesgo de acidosis láctica asociado al uso de metformina en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 con enfermedad renal crónica moderada-severa: estudio de casos y controles
    PI: Videla, S. Start date: 01/01/2016 End date: 31/12/2018
    Financing entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Financing entity code: PI15/00764
  • Epidemiologia de la resistència antibiòtica de l’àrea del Baix Llobregat
    PI: Pallares, R. Start date: 01/01/1999 End date: 31/12/2001
    Financing entity: Agència d'Avaluació de Tecnologia i Recerca Mèdica Financing entity code: AATM 07/20/98
  • Estudio microbiológico y epidemiológico de las infecciones por Staphylococcus coagulasa-negativo. Sensibilidad antibiótica y caracterización clonal
    PI: Domínguez, MA. Start date: 01/01/1999 End date: 31/12/2000
    Financing entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Financing entity code: FIS99/0843
  • Estudio de la eficacia antibiótica en el modelo de neumonía experimental en el ratón por Acinetobacter baumannii multirresistente
    PI: Ariza, J. Start date: 01/01/1998 End date: 31/12/1999
    Financing entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Financing entity code: FIS98/0525


  • Integrated Health and Social Care
    PI: Corbella, X. Start date: 01/07/2016 End date: 30/06/2021
    Financing entity: Fundación Hestia
  • Phase III Multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of Bococizumab (PF-04950615) in reducing the number of major cardiovascular events in high risk subjects; Numero EudraCT: 2013-002795-41; Número de protocolo B1481038; Código Comité Ético de Investigación Clínica CEIC: AC176/13
    PI: Pinto, X. Start date: 01/01/2015 End date: 31/12/2016
    Financing entity: Pfizer Inc.
  • International collaborative project: The REPOSI Registry (REgistro POliterapie SIMI)
    PI: Corbella, X. Start date: 01/01/2014 End date: 31/12/2015
    Financing entity: The IRCCS Cà Granda Maggiore Policlinico Hospital Foundation of Milan, and the IRCCS Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri of Milan


  • Revista Espa¿ola de Cardiolog¿a, Population-based evaluation of the impact of socioeconomic status on clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure in integrated care settings
    Name: Capdevila, C.; Vela, E.; Clèries, M.; Yun, S.; Fernández, C.; Alcober, L.; Monterde, D.; Hidalgo, E.; Calero, E.; Bazán, N.; Moliner-Borja, P.; Piera, J.; Ruiz, M.; Corbella, X.; Jiménez, S.; Garay, A.; Ramos, R.; Alcoberro, L.; Pons, A.; Enjuanes, C.; Comín, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023
    Start page: 803 End page: 812 Vol.: 76 No.: 10
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, Direct health costs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in a multidisciplinary ALS unit in Catalonia (Spain)
    Name: Mora, Toni; Domínguez, R.; Assialioui, A.; Paipa, A. J.; Moreno, R.; Corbella, X.; Martínez, A.; Povedano, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022
    Start page: 133 End page: 138 Vol.: 24 No.: 1-2
  • European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine, Multiple Drug Regimen-Refractory Rosai-Dorfman-Destombes Disease Mimicking Relapsing Polychondritis Successfully Treated with Cobimetinib
    Name: Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022
    Vol.: 9
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2284-2594
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Usefulness of telemedicine-based heart failure monitoring according to ‘eHealth literacy’ domains: Insights from the iCOR randomized controlled trial
    Name: Yun, S.; Enjuanes, C.; Calero-Molina, E.; Hidalgo, E.; José-Bazán, N.; Ruiz, M.; Verdú-Rotellar, J.M.; Garcimartín, P.; Jiménez-Marrero, S.; Garay, A.; Ras, M.; Ramos, R.; Pons-Riverola, A.; Moliner, P.; Corbella, X.; Comin, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022
    Start page: 56 End page: 67 Vol.: 101
  • Journal of healthcare quality research, Recommendations to develop care models for patients with heart failure (MAIC Project) from macromanagement
    Name: Comin-Colet, J.; Calero-Molina, E.; Corbella, X.; Muñiz, J.; San Saturnino, M.T.; Ibarrola, C.; Comité Asesor del Proyecto MAIC Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 100 End page: 109 Vol.: 37 No.: 2
  • Pharmacotherapy, Beneficial and harmful outcomes of tocilizumab in severe COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Name: RUBIO RIVAS, M.; Forero, CG.; Mora , J.; Montero, A.; Formiga, F.; Homs, N.A.; Albà-Albalate, J.; Sanchez, L.; Rello, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 884 End page: 906 Vol.: 41 No.: 11
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0277-0008
  • Journal of clinical immunology, Pre-existing Autoantibodies Neutralizing High Concentrations of Type I Interferons in Almost 10% of COVID-19 Patients Admitted to Intensive Care in Barcelona
    Name: Solanich, X.; Rigo-Bonnin, R.; Gumucio, V.D.; Bastard, P.; Rosain, J.; Phillipot, Q.; Perez-Fernandez, X.L.; Fuset-Cabanes, M.P.; Gordillo-Benitez, M.A.; Suarez-Quartin, G.; Boza-Hernandez, E.; Riera-Mestre, A.; Parra-Martinez, A.; Colobran, R.; Antoli, A.; Navarro, S.; Rocamora-Blanch, G.; Framil, M.; Calatayud, L.; Corbella, X.; Casanova, J.L.; Morandeira, F.; Sabater, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 1733 End page: 1744 Vol.: 41 No.: 8
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Predicting adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19: just an epidemiological debate or a valuable clinical approach?
    Name: Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 22 End page: 24 Vol.: 94
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Effectiveness of telemedicine in patients with heart failure according to frailty phenotypes: Insights from the iCOR randomised controlled trial.
    Name: Yun, S.; Enjuanes, C.; Calero-Molina, E.; Hidalgo, E.; José, N.; Calvo, E.; Verdu-Rotellar, J.; Garcimartin, P.; Chivite, D.; Formiga, F.; Jimenez-Marrero, S.; Garay, A.; Alcoberro, L.; Moliner, P.; Corbella, X.; Comin-Colet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 49 End page: 59 Vol.: 96
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Catheter-directed therapies in patients with pulmonary embolism: predictive factors of in-hospital mortality and long-term follow-up
    Name: Ribas, J.; Valcarcel, J.; Alba, E.; Ruiz, Y.; Cuartero, D.; Iriarte, A.; Mora-Lujan, J.M.; Huguet, M.; Cerdà, P.; Martinez-Yelamos, S.; Corbella, X.; Santos, S.; Riera-Mestre, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 20
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, High-dose methylprednisolone pulses for 3 days vs. Low-dose dexamethasone for 10 days in severe, non-critical covid-19: A retrospective propensity score matched analysis
    Name: Mora , J.; Tuells, M.; Montero, A.; Formiga, F.; Homs, N.A.; Albà-Albalate, J.; Corbella, X.; RUBIO RIVAS, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 19
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • Medicina clínica, Differences in the diabetogenic effect of statins in patients with prediabetes. The PRELIPID study.
    Name: Trias, F.; Pinto, X.; Corbella, E.; Suarez-Tembra, M.; Ruiz-Garcia, A.; Díaz-Díaz, J.; Sanchez-Ruiz-Granado, E.; Sarasa, I.; Martinez-Porqueras, R.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 531 End page: 539 Vol.: 158 No.: 11
  • Frontiers in Immunology, Genetic Screening for TLR7 Variants in Young and Previously Healthy Men With Severe COVID-19
    Name: Solanich, X.; Vargas-Parra, G.; van der Made, C.I.; Simons, A.; Schuurs-Hoeijmakers, J.; Antoli, A.; del Valle, J.; Rocamora-Blanch, G.; Setien, F.; Esteller, M.; van Reijmersdal, S.V.; Riera-Mestre, A.; Sabater-Riera, J.; Capella, G.; van de Veerdonk, F.L.; van der Hoven, B.; Corbella, X.; Hoischen, A.; Lázaro, C. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 12
  • Frontiers in Medicine, Methylprednisolone Pulses Plus Tacrolimus in Addition to Standard of Care vs. Standard of Care Alone in Patients With Severe COVID-19. A Randomized Controlled Trial
    Name: Solanich, X.; Antoli, A.; Rocamora-Blanch, G.; Padulles, N.; Fanlo-Maresma, M.; Iriarte, A.; Mitjavila, F.; Capdevila, O.; Riera-Mestre, A.; Bas, J.; Vicens-Zygmunt, V.; Niubó, J.; Calvo, N.; Bolivar, S.; Rigo-Bonnin, R.; Mensa-Vilaró, A.; Arregui, L.; Tebe, C.; Videla, S.; Hereu, P.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 8
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2296-858X
  • Journal of intenal medicine, Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 replication using calcineurin inhibitors: are concentrations required clinically achievable?
    Name: Solanich, X.; Padulles, N.; Niubó, J.; Videla, S.; Antoli, A.; Rocamora-Blanch, G.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 926 End page: 927 Vol.: 289 No.: 6
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0954-6820
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Common Hypertriglyceridemia Genetic Variants in Patients with Systemic Erythematosus Lupus
    Name: Fanlo-Maresma, M.; Candas-Estebanez, B.; Esteve-Luque, V.; Padro-Miquel, A.; Escrihuela-Vidal, F.; Carratini-Moraes, M.; Corbella, E.; Corbella, X.; Pinto-Sala, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 10
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Risk Categories in COVID-19 Based on Degrees of Inflammation: Data on More Than 17,000 Patients from the Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Corbella, X.; Formiga, F.; SEMI-COVID-19 Network Members Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 10
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • Expert review of clinical Pharmacology, Neuraminidase inhibitors and single dose baloxavir are effective and safe in uncomplicated influenza: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
    Name: Tejada, S.; Tejo, A.M.; Peña-López, Y.; Forero, CG.; Corbella, X.; Rello, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 901 End page: 918 Vol.: 14 No.: 7
  • Drugs, Prior Treatment with Statins is Associated with Improved Outcomes of Patients with COVID-19: Data from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry
    Name: Torres-Peña, J.D.; SEMI-COVID-19 Network Members; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 685 End page: 695 Vol.: 81 No.: 6
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Physicochemical Properties of Lipoproteins Assessed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Predictor of Premature Cardiovascular Disease. PRESARV-SEA Study
    Name: Fernández-Cidón, B.; Candas-Estebanez, B.; Gil-Serret, M.; Amigó, N.; Corbella, E.; Rodríguez-Sánchez, M.A.; Padro-Miquel, A.; Brotons, C.; Hernandez-Mijares, A.; Calmarza, P.; Jarauta, E.; Brea, A.J.; Mauri, M.; Guijarro, C.; Vila, À.; Valdivielso, P.; Corbella, X.; Pinto, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 7
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • Medicina clínica, The internist and hospital ambulatory medicine
    Name: Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 281 End page: 283 Vol.: 156 No.: 6
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Clinical Significance of Indeterminate QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus Assay Results in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients with Severe Hyperinflammatory Syndrome
    Name: Solanich, X.; Fernandez-Huerta, M.; Basaez, C.; Antoli, A.; Rocamora-Blanch, G.; Corbella, X.; Santin, M.; Alcaide, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 10 No.: 5
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • Nutrients, Implication between Genetic Variants from APOA5 and ZPR1 and NAFLD Severity in Patients with Hypertriglyceridemia
    Name: Esteve-Luque, V.; Padro-Miquel, A.; Fanlo-Maresma, M.; Corbella, E.; Corbella, X.; Pinto-Sala, X.; Candas-Estebanez, B. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 13 No.: 2
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2072-6643
  • Autoimmunity reviews, The prevalence and incidence rate of pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Homs, N.A.; Cuartero, D.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 20 No.: 1
  • Contemporary clinical trials, Pragmatic, open-label, single-center, randomized, phase II clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of methylprednisolone pulses and tacrolimus in patients with severe pneumonia secondary to COVID-19: The TACROVID trial protocol
    Name: Solanich, X.; Antoli, A.; Padulles, N.; Fanlo-Maresma, M.; Iriarte, A.; Mitjavila, F.; Capdevila, O.; Molina, M.; Sabater, J.; Bas, J.; Mensa-Vilaró, A.; Niubó, J.; Calvo, N.; Bolivar, S.; Rigo-Bonnin, R.; Arregui, L.; Tebe, C.; Hereu, P.; Videla, S.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Vol.: 21
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Non-retrieved inferior vena cava filters: causes and long-term follow-up
    Name: Ribas, J.; Alba, E.; Pascual-González, Y.; Ruiz, Y.; Iriarte, A.; Mora-Luján, J.M.; Valcarcel, J.; Corbella, X.; Santos, S.; Escalante, E.; Riera-Mestre, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2021
    Start page: 73 End page: 78 Vol.: 86
  • PLoS One, Blood test dynamics in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Potential utility of D-dimer for pulmonary embolism diagnosis.
    Name: Cerdà, P.; Ribas, J.; Iriarte, A.; Mora-Luján, J.M.; Torres, R.; Del Rio, B.; Jofre, H.I.; Ruiz, Y.; Huguet, M.; Fuset, M.P.; Martinez-Yelamos, S.; Santos, S.; Llecha, N.; Corbella, X.; Riera-Mestre, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 15 No.: 12
  • European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine, Relapsing haemothorax as an unusual presentation of primary angiosarcoma of the spleen
    Name: Bergas, A.; Escrihuela, F.; Fernandez-Calvo, D.; Capdevila, O.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 7 No.: 12
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2284-2594
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Predicting Clinical Outcome with Phenotypic Clusters in COVID-19 Pneumonia: An Analysis of 12,066 Hospitalized Patients from the Spanish Registry SEMI-COVID-19
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Corbella, X.; Mora-Luján, J.M.; SEMI-COVID-19 Network Members Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 9 No.: 11
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • International journal of infectious diseases, Beneficial effect of corticosteroids in preventing mortality in patients receiving tocilizumab to treat severe COVID-19 illness
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Ronda, M.; Padulles, A.; Mitjavila, F.; Riera-Mestre, A.; Forero, CG.; Iriarte, A.; Mora-Luján, J.M.; Padulles, N.; Gonzalez, M.; Solanich, X.; Gasa, M.; Suarez-Quartin, G.; Sabater, J.; Perez Fernandez, X.L.; Santacana, E.; Leiva, E.; Ariza-Sole, A.; Dallaglio, P.D.; Quero, M.; Soriano, A.; Pasqualetto, A.; Koo, M.; Esteve, V.; Antoli, A.; Moreno-Gonzalez, R.; Yun, S.; Cerdà, P.; Llaberia, M.; Formiga, F.; Fanlo-Maresma, M.; Montero, A.; Chivite, D.; Capdevila, O.; Bolao, F.; Pinto, X.; Llop, J.; Sabate, A.; Guardiola, J.; Cruzado, J.M.; Comin-Colet, J.; Santos, S.; Jodar, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 290 End page: 297 Vol.: 101
  • BMC geriatrics, Chronic kidney disease in the context of multimorbidity patterns: the role of physical performance : The screening for CKD among older people across Europe (SCOPE) study.
    Name: Corsonello, A.; Fabietti, P.; Formiga, F.; Moreno-Gonzalez, R.; Tap, L.; Mattace-Raso, F.; Roller-Wirnsberger, R.; Wirnsberger, G.; Ärnlöv, J.; SCOPE Investigators; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 20 No.: Suppl 1
  • BMC geriatrics, Association between kidney function, nutritional status and anthropometric measures in older people: The Screening for CKD among Older People across Europe (SCOPE) study
    Name: Guligowska, A.; Corsonello, A.; Pligowska, M.; Roller-Wirnsberger, R.; Wirnsberger, G.; Ärnlöv, J.; SCOPE Investigators; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 20 No.: Suppl 1
  • BMC geriatrics, Prevalence of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults using the updated EWGSOP2 definition according to kidney function and albuminuria : The Screening for CKD among Older People across Europe (SCOPE) study.
    Name: Moreno-Gonzalez, R.; Corbella, X.; Mattace-Raso, F.; Tap, L.; Sieber, C.; Freiberger, E.; SCOPE Investigators Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 20 No.: Suppl 1
  • Revista clínica española, The Hospital of the Future in 10 points
    Name: Gomez-Huelgas, R.; Díez-Manglano, J.; Carretero-Gomez, J.; Barba, R.; Corbella, X.; García-Alegría, J.; Herranz, M.T.; Vallejo, I.; Elola-Somoza , F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 444 End page: 449 Vol.: 220 No.: 7
  • Internal and Emergency Medicine, No clear beneficial effects of beta-blockers for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction to improve prognostic outcomes in elderly patients with sinus rhythm
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Castellvi, S.D.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 1351 End page: 1352 Vol.: 15 No.: 7
  • European journal of nutrition, Association between coffee consumption and total dietary caffeine intake with cognitive functioning: cross-sectional assessment in an elderly Mediterranean population.
    Name: Paz-Graniel, I.; Becerra-Tomás, N.; Toledo, E.; Predimed Plus Investigadors; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
  • ESC Heart Failure, Study design of heart failure events reduction with remote monitoring and eHealth Support (HERMeS)
    Name: Yun, S.; Enjuanes, C.; Calero, E.; Hidalgo, E.; Cobo, M.; Llacer, P.; García-Pinilla, J.M.; González-Franco, A.; Núñez, J.; Morales-Rull, J.L.; Beltrán, P.; Delso, C.; Freixa-Pamias, R.; Moliner, P.; Corbella, X.; Comin-Colet, J.; HERMeS trial investigators group, .. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2055-5822
  • Clinical epidemiology, Real-world epidemiology of potassium derangements among chronic cardiovascular, metabolic and renal conditions: a population-based analysis
    Name: Jimenez-Marrero, S.; Cainzos-Achirica, M.; Monterde, D.; García-Eroles, L.; Enjuanes, C.; Yun, S.; Garay, A.; Moliner, P.; Alcoberro, L.; Corbella, X.; Comin-Colet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 941 End page: 952 Vol.: 12
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1179-1349
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonists in antiphospholipid syndrome: A meta-analysis
    Name: Cerdà, P.; Becattini, C.; Iriarte, A.; Cortés Hernández, J.; Corbella, X.; Riera, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 43 End page: 50 Vol.: 79
  • JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Gender differences in health-related quality of life in patients with systolic heart failure: results of the VIDA multicenter study
    Name: Garay, A.; Tapia, J.; Anguita, M.; Formiga, F.; Almenar, L.; Crespo-Leiro, M.G.; Manzano, L.; Muñiz, J.; Chavez, J.; De Frutos, T.; Moliner, P.; Corbella, X.; Enjuanes, C.; Comin-Colet, J.; VIDA-IC Multicenter Study Investig Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 9 No.: 9
    DOI: ISSN or title: 2077-0383
  • Respiratory medicine, Clinical features and outcomes of asymptomatic pulmonary sarcoidosis. A comparative cohort study
    Name: Iriarte, A.; Rubio-Rivas, M.; Villalba, N.; Corbella, X.; Mañá, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 169
  • Revista española de cardiología, Impact on clinical outcomes and health costs of deranged potassium levels in patients with chronic cardiovascular, metabolic, and renal conditions
    Name: Jimenez-Marrero, S.; Cainzos-Achirica, M.; Monterde, D.; Vela, E.; Cleries, M.; García-Eroles, L.; Enjuanes, C.; Yun, S.; Garay, A.; Moliner, P.; Alcoberro, L.; Corbella, X.; Comin-Colet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 312 End page: 320 Vol.: 74 No.: 4
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Clinical phenotypes and prediction of chronicity in sarcoidosis using cluster analysis in a prospective cohort of 694 patients
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 59 End page: 65 Vol.: 77
  • Autoimmunity reviews, Spanish scleroderma risk score (RESCLESCORE) to predict 15-year all-cause mortality in scleroderma patients at the time of diagnosis based on the RESCLE cohort: Derivation and internal validation
    Name: Corbella, X.; Rescle Investigators, Autoimmune Diseases Study Group (Geas) Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 19 No.: 5
  • Orphanet journal of rare diseases, Gender differences in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia severity
    Name: Mora , J.; Iriarte, A.; Alba, E.; Sánchez-Corral, M.; Cerdà, P.; Cruellas, F.; Ordi, Q.; Corbella, X.; Ribas, J.; Castellote, J.; Riera, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Vol.: 15 No.: 1
  • Medicina clínica, Short term prognosis of heart failure after first hospital admission
    Name: Masip, J.; Formiga, F.; Comin-Colet, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 37 End page: 44 Vol.: 154 No.: 2
  • Journal of rheumatology, Longterm efficacy and safety of monotherapy versus combination therapy in systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension: a retrospective RESCLE registry study
    Name: Pestaña-Fernandez, M.; Rubio-Rivas, M.; Tolosa-Vilella, C.; Guillen del Castillo, A.; Freire, M.; Vargas-Hitos, JA; Todoli, J.A.; Rodriguez-Carballeira, M.; Marin_ballbe, A.; Espinosa, G.; Colunga, D.; Ortego-Centeno, N.; Trapiella, L.; Carbonell-Muñoz, C.; Pla-Salas, X.; Perales-Fraile, I.; Corbella, X.; Fonollosa-Pla, V.; Simeon-Aznar, C.P.; Rescle Investigators, Autoimmune Diseases Study Group (Geas) Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020
    Start page: 89 End page: 98 Vol.: 47 No.: 1
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0315-162X
  • Journal of nutrition, A Mediterranean Diet Rich in Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Is Associated with a Reduced Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Older Individuals at High Cardiovascular Risk
    Name: Pintó, X.; Fanlo-Maresma, M.; Corbella, E.; Corbella, X.; Mitjavila, MT.; Moreno, J.J.; Casas, R.; Estruch, R.; Corella, D.; Bullo, M.; Ruiz-Canela, M.; Castañer, O.; Martínez, J.; Ros, E.; Predimed Study Group Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 1920 End page: 1929 Vol.: 149 No.: 11
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0022-3166
  • Joint bone spine, Sarcoidosis presenting with and without Löfgren's syndrome: clinical, radiological and behavioral differences observed in a group of 691patients.
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Franco, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
  • European journal of nutrition, Cross-sectional association between non-soy legume consumption, serum uric acid and hyperuricemia: the PREDIMED-Plus study.
    Name: Predimed Plus Investigators, Autoría conjunta; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
  • Kardiologia Polska, Red blood cell distribution width as a prognostic factor of mortality in elderly patients firstly hospitalized due to heart failure
    Name: Salvatori, M.; Formiga, F.; Moreno-Gonzalez, R.; Chivite, D.; Migone de Amicis, M.; Capellini, M.D.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 632 End page: 638 Vol.: 77 No.: 6
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0022-9032
  • Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, Survival benefit of multidisciplinary care in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Spain: association with noninvasive mechanical ventilation
    Name: Paipa, A. J.; Povedano, M.; Barceló, A.; Domínguez, R.; Saez, M.; Turon, J.; Prats, E.; Farrero, E.; Virgili, N.; Martínez, J. A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 465 End page: 470 Vol.: 12
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1178-2390
  • Respiratory medicine, Elderly sarcoidosis: A comparative study from a 42-year single-centre experience
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Corbella, X.; Mañá, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 1 End page: 6 Vol.: 152
  • Clinical nutrition, Dietary inflammatory index and all-cause mortality in large cohorts: The SUN and PREDIMED studies
    Name: Garcia-Arellano, A.; Martínez-González, M.A.; Ramallal, R.; Salas, J.; Hebert, J.R.; Corella, D.; Autoría conjunta, Sun And Predimed Study Group; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 1221 End page: 1231 Vol.: 38 No.: 3
  • BMC nephrology, Lactic acidosis associated with metformin in patients with moderate to severe chronic kidney disease: study protocol for a multicenter population-based case-control study using health databases
    Name: ALIMAR-C2 Study Group, Autoría conjunta; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Vol.: 20
  • Diabetes care, Effect of a Lifestyle Intervention Program With Energy-Restricted Mediterranean Diet and Exercise on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: One-Year Results of the PREDIMED-Plus Trial
    Name: Predimed Plus Investigators, Autoría conjunta; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 777 End page: 788 Vol.: 42 No.: 5
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0149-5992
  • International journal of epidemiology, Cohort Profile: Design and methods of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized trial
    Name: Predimed Plus Investigadors; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 387 End page: 388o Vol.: 48 No.: 2
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0300-5771
  • Revista clínica española, First hospital admission due to heart failure: In-hospital mortality and patient profile
    Name: Masip, J.; Formiga, F.; Fernández-Castañer, M.; Fernández, P.; Comin, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 130 End page: 140 Vol.: 219 No.: 3
  • Preventive medicine, Socioeconomic status, life expectancy and mortality in a universal healthcare setting: An individual-level analysis of >6 million Catalan residents
    Name: Bilal, U.; Cainzos, M.; Santaeugènia, S.; Cleries, M.; Corbella, X.; Comin, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 91 End page: 94 Vol.: 123
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Medical and surgical co-management - A strategy of improving the quality and outcomes of perioperative care
    Name: Fierbinteanu-Braticevici, C.; Raspe, M.; Preda, A.; Livcane, E.; Lazebnik, L.; Kinova, S.; de Kruijf, E.; Hojs, R.; Hanslik, T.; Durusu-Tanriover, M.; Dentali, F.; Corbella, X.; Castellino, P.; Bivol, M.; Bassetti, S.; Barreto, V.; Ruiz, EM.; Campos, L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 44 End page: 47 Vol.: 61
  • Geriatrics and Gerontology International, Sex differences in 1-year mortality risks in older patients experiencing a first acute heart failure hospitalization
    Name: Formiga, F.; Moreno-González, R.; Chivite, D.; Yun, S.; Franco, J.; Ariza , A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 184 End page: 188 Vol.: 19 No.: 3
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1447-0594
  • Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, Usefulness of systolic blood pressure combined with heart rate measured on admission to identify 1-year all-cause mortality risk in elderly patients firstly hospitalized due to acute heart failure
    Name: Moreno, R.; Formiga, F.; Mora , J.; Chivite, D.; Ariza , A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 99 End page: 106 Vol.: 32
  • Medicina clínica, De novo acute heart failure: Clinical features and one-year mortality in the Spanish nationwide Registry of Acute Heart Failure
    Name: Franco, J.; Formiga, F.; Corbella, X.; Conde-Martel, A.; Llacer, P.; Alvarez-Rocha, P.; Gorricho, GO; Satue, J.; Soler, L.; Manzano, L.; Montero-Pérez-Baquero, M.; Grupo Investigadores RICA . Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 127 End page: 134 Vol.: 152 No.: 4
  • International journal of cardiology, Individual income, mortality and healthcare resource use in patients with chronic heart failure living in a universal healthcare system: A population-based study in Catalonia, Spain
    Name: Cainzos-Achirica, M.; Capdevila, C.; Vela, E.; Cleries, M.; Bilal, U.; Garcia-Altes, A.; Enjuanes, C.; Garay, A.; Yun, S.; Farre, N.; Corbella, X.; Comin-Colet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 250 End page: 257 Vol.: 277
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Influence of potassium levels on one-year outcomes in elderly patients with acute heart failure
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Corbella, X.; Conde-Martel, A.; Arevalo-Lorido, JC; Trullas, J.; Silvestre, J.; García, SC; Manzano, L.; Montero-Pérez-Baquero, M.; RICA Investigators Group Role: Autor Publishing date: 2019
    Start page: 24 End page: 30 Vol.: 60
  • Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Mild Anemia and Mortality in Very Old Adults Hospitalized for Acute Heart Failure
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Ariza , A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 2432 End page: 2434 Vol.: 66 No.: 12
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0002-8614
  • Atherosclerosis, Associations between self-reported periodontal disease, assessed using a very short questionnaire, cardiovascular disease events and all-cause mortality in a contemporary multi-ethnic population: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).
    Name: González-Navarro, B.; Pinto-Sala, X.; Corbella, E.; Jane-Salas, E.; Miedema, M. D.; Yeboah, J.; Shea, S.; Nasir, K.; Comin-Colet, J.; Corbella, X.; López-lópez, J.; Blumenthal, R.; Blaha, M.; Cainzos-Achirica, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 110 End page: 116 Vol.: 278
  • Current Cardiology Reports, Coronary Artery Calcium Score: the "Mammogram" of the Heart?
    Name: Cainzos-Achirica, M.; Di Carlo, P.; Handy, C.; Quispe, R.; Roura, G.; Pinto-Sala, X.; Blumenthal, R.; Comin, J.; Corbella, X.; Blaha, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Vol.: 20 No.: 9
  • Revista española de salud pública, Impact of the financial crisis on activity and efficiency at a high-technology university hospital
    Name: Fernández, M.; Salazar, A.; Sarvise, C.; Ridao, M.; Casado , M.; Castilla, M.; Fontgivell, B.; García, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Vol.: 92
    ISSN or title: 1135-5727
  • Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, Lower admission blood pressure as an independent predictor of 1-year mortality in elderly patients experiencing a first hospitalization for acute heart failure
    Name: Formiga, F.; Moreno-González, R.; Chivite, D.; Yun, S.; Ariza , A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
  • Circulation, Synergistic Opportunities in the Interplay Between Cancer Screening and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment: Together We Are Stronger
    Name: Handy, C.; Quispe, R.; Pinto-Sala, X.; Blaha, M.; Blumenthal, R.; Michos, E.; Lima, J.; Guallar, E.; Ryu, S.; Cho, J.; Kaye, J.; Comin, J.; Corbella, X.; Cainzos-Achirica, M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 727 End page: 734 Vol.: 138 No.: 7
  • JACC-Heart Failure, Chronic Heart Failure Care and Costs What Is the Efficiency of Investing in Quality?
    Name: Cainzos, M.; Trapero-Bertran, M.; Bilal, U.; Corbella, X.; Comin-Colet, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 723 End page: 724 Vol.: 6 No.: 8
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Hospital ambulatory medicine: A leading strategy for Internal Medicine in Europe
    Name: Corbella, X.; Barreto, V.; Bassetti, S.; Bivol, M.; Castellino, P.; de Kruijf, E.; Dentali, F.; Durusu-Tanriover, M.; Fierbinteanu-Braticevici, C.; Hanslik, T.; Hojs, R.; Kinova, S.; Lazebnik, L.; Livcane, E.; Raspe, M.; Campos, L. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 17 End page: 20 Vol.: 54
  • European Geriatric Medicine, Lymphocyte-to-white blood cells ratio in older patients experiencing a first acute heart failure hospitalization
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Salvatori, M.; Moreno, R.; Ariza, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 365 End page: 370 Vol.: 9 No.: 3
  • Internal and Emergency Medicine, Prognostic influence of prior chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients admitted for their first episode of acute heart failure
    Name: Londono, K.; Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Moreno, R.; Migone de Amicis, M.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 351 End page: 357 Vol.: 13 No.: 3
  • International journal of cardiology, Basal functional status predicts one-year mortality after a heart failure hospitalization in elderly patients - The RICA prospective study.
    Name: Chivite, D.; Formiga, F.; Corbella, X.; Conde-Martel, A.; Aramburu, O.; Carrera, M.; Dávila, M.; Pérez-Silvestre, J.; Manzano, L.; Montero-Pérez-Baquero, M.; Rica Investigators Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 182 End page: 188 Vol.: 254
  • Acta Clinica Belgica, Clinical characteristics and prognosis in patients with a first acute heart failure hospitalization according to admission hyponatremia.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Brasé, A.; Petit, I.; Moreno-González, R.; Arévalo-Lorido , J.C.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 1 End page: 6
  • Annals of the rheumatic diseases, Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Monotherapy Versus Combination Therapy in Systemic Sclerosis-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Retrospective Cohort Study from the Nationwide Spanish Scleroderma Registry (RESCLE)
    Name: Pestaña-Fernandez, M.; Rubio-Rivas, M.; Villalba-Jimenez, N.; Mari-Alfonso, B.; Guillen del Castillo, A.; Freire, M.; Vargas, J.A.; Todoli, J.A.; Rodriguez, M.; Espinosa-Garriga, G.; Corbella, X.; Fonollosa-Pla, V.; Simeon-Aznar, C.P. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018
    Start page: 423 End page: 423 Vol.: 77 No.: 2
  • Clinical rheumatology, First clinical symptom as a prognostic factor in systemic sclerosis: results of a retrospective nationwide cohort study.
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Corbella, X.; Rescle Investigators, Autoimmune Diseases Study Group (Geas) Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
  • Geriatrics and Gerontology International, Association between diabetes and mortality in elderly patients admitted for a first episode of acute heart failure.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Montero, A.; Petit, I.; Moreno-González, R.; Franco, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1447-0594
  • Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, High comorbidity, measured by the Charlson Comorbidity Index, associates with higher 1-year mortality risks in elderly patients experiencing a first acute heart failure hospitalization.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Moreno-González, R.; Chivite, D.; Franco, J.; Montero, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
  • Clinical and experimental rheumatology, Changes in the pattern of death of 987 patients with systemic sclerosis from 1990 to 2009 from the nationwide Spanish Scleroderma Registry (RESCLE)
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Simeon, C.P.; Velasco, C.; Alfonso, B.; Espinosa, G.; Corbella, X.; Colunga, D.; Equribide-Arberas, M.; Ortego-Centeno, N.; Vargas-Hitos, JA; Freire, M.; Ríos, J.; Trapiella, L.; Rodriguez-Carballeira, M.; Fonollosa-Pla, V. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: S40 End page: S47 Vol.: 35 No.: 4
    ISSN or title: 0392-856X
  • Internal and Emergency Medicine, Anemia is a mortality prognostic factor in patients initially hospitalized for acute heart failure
    Name: Migone de Amicis, M.; Chivite, D.; Corbella, X.; Capellini, M.D.; Formiga, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 749 End page: 756 Vol.: 12 No.: 6
  • Medicine, Multidisciplinary approach and long-term follow-up in a series of 640 consecutive patients with sarcoidosis: Cohort study of a 40-year clinical experience at a tertiary referral center in Barcelona, Spain.
    Name: Mañá, J.; Rubio-Rivas, M.; Villalba, N.; Marcoval, J.; Iriarte, A.; Molina-Molina, M.; Llatjós, R.; García, O.; Martínez-Yelamos, S.; Vicens-Zygmunt, V.; Gámez, C.; Pujol, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Vol.: 96
  • International Journal of Gerontology, Prevalence of Prediabetes and Associated Factors in the Oldest Old. A Cross Sectional Study in the Octabaix Cohort
    Name: Padros, G.; Ferrer, A.; Formiga, F.; Cunillera, O.; Badía, T.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 90 End page: 94 Vol.: 11 No.: 2
  • International journal of cardiology, Applicability of the heart failure Readmission Risk score: A first European study.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Masip, J.; Chivite, D.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 304 End page: 309 Vol.: 236
  • International journal of cardiology, Utility of the Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score in patients admitted due to acute heart failure.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Vol.: 235
  • Clinical nutrition, Legume consumption is inversely associated with type 2 diabetes incidence in adults: A prospective assessment from the PREDIMED study.
    Name: Becerra-Tomas, N.; Díaz-Lopez, A.; Rosique, N.; Ros, E.; Buil, P.; Corella, D.; Estruch, R.; Fitó, M.; Serra, L.; Arós, F.; Lamuela Raventos, R.; Fiol, M.; Santos, J.; Díez, J.; Portoles, O.; Salas, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
  • Clinical and experimental dermatology, Omega-3 fatty acids as adjunctive treatment for bexarotene-induced hypertriglyceridaemia in patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.
    Name: Cabello, I.; Servitge, O.; Corbella, X.; Bardes, I.; Pintó, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 276 End page: 281 Vol.: 3 No.: 42
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0307-6938
  • Clinical rheumatology, Occupational and environmental scleroderma. Systematic review and meta-analysis
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Moreno, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    Start page: 569 End page: 582 Vol.: 36 No.: 3
  • International journal of rheumatic diseases, Efficacy of anakinra in an adult patient with recurrent pericarditis and cardiac tamponade as initial manifestations of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome due to the R92Q TNFRSF1A variant.
    Name: Camprubí, D.; Mitjavila, F.; Arostegui, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1756-1841
  • European Geriatric Medicine, Detecting malnutrition and predicting mortality in the Spanish oldest old: Utility of the Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score compared with the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) score
    Name: Formiga, F.; Ferrer, A.; de Ulíbarri, J.; Badía, T.; Montero, A.; Soldevila, L.; Moreno, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 566 End page: 570 Vol.: 7 No.: 6
  • Revista clínica española, Quality of pulmonary embolism's hospital discharge reports.
    Name: Riera-Mestre, A.; Valls, A.; Pujol, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 455 End page: 457 Vol.: 8 No.: 216
  • AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING, High rate of mortality in Spanish community-dwelling population aged 85 with atrial fibrillation after three years of follow-up: The Octabaix study
    Name: Formiga, F.; Ferrer, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 216 End page: 219 Vol.: 35 No.: 3
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1440-6381
  • Aging cinical and experimental research, Lymphopenia as prognostic factor for mortality and hospital length of stay for elderly hospitalized patients
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Formiga, F.; Grillo, S.; Gili, F.; Cabrera, C.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 721 End page: 727 Vol.: 28 No.: 4
  • Alcohol and alcoholism, Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics, and Risk Factors for Non-recording of Alcohol Use in Hospitals across Europe: The ALCHIMIE Study
    Name: Roson, B.; Corbella, X.; Perney, P.; Borras, A.; Stauber, R.; Lember, M.; Arutyunov, A.; Ruza, I.; vaclavik, J.; Sánchez García, J.L.; Pujol, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 457 End page: 464 Vol.: 51 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0735-0414
  • Revista española de cardiología, Prognostic Role of Hyperuricemia in Acute Heart Failure.
    Name: Franco, J.; Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Cerdà, P.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 699 End page: 700 Vol.: 69 No.: 7
  • Clinical interventions in aging (Online), Evidence of functional declining and global comorbidity measured at baseline proved to be the strongest predictors for long-term death in elderly community residents aged 85 years: a 5-year follow-up evaluation, the OCTABAIX study.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Ferrer, A.; Padros, G.; Montero, A.; Gimenez-Argente, C.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 437 End page: 444 No.: 11
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1178-1998
  • Geriatrics & Gerontology International, High serum levels of ferritin at baseline are not associated with an increased risk of mortality in oldest old community-dwelling adults: The OCTABAIX study
    Name: Formiga, F.; Ferrer, A.; Padros, G.; Gimenez-Argente, C.; Lopez Pisa, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 284 End page: 286 Vol.: 16 No.: 2
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1444-1586
  • European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Adverse drug reactions leading to urgent hospital admission in an elderly population: prevalence and main features.
    Name: Pedrós, C.; Formiga, F.; Corbella, X.; Arnau, J.M. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
  • Nutricion Clinica y Dietetica Hospitalaria, Valor pronóstico de mortalidad del índice de control nutricional (CONUT) en pacientes ingresados por insuficiencia cardiaca aguda
    Name: Soldevila, L.; Formiga, F.; Franco, J.; Chivite, D.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 143 End page: 147 Vol.: 36 No.: 4
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0211-6057
  • Acta Clinica Belgica, Characteristics of falls producing hip fracture in patients on oral anticoagulants
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Navarro, M.; Montero, A.; Duaso, E.; Ruíz, D.; Perez-Castejon, J.; Lopez-Soto, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016
    Start page: 171 End page: 174 Vol.: 71 No.: 3
  • Internal Medicine Journal, Erectile Dysfunction and cardiovascular risk factors in a Mediterranean diet cohort.
    Name: Ramírez, R.; Pedro-Botet, J.; Garcia, M.; Corbella, E.; Merino, J.; Zambón, D.; Corbella, X.; Pintó, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1445-5994
  • BMC Health Services Research, Perception of quality of care of patients with potentially severe diseases evaluated at a distinct quick diagnostic delivery model: a cross-sectional study
    Name: Sanclemente-Ansó, C.; Salazar, A.; Bosch, X.; Capdevila, C.; Gimenez-Requena, A.; Roson-Hernandez, B.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Vol.: 15
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Cost-minimization analysis favors outpatient quick diagnosis unit over hospitalization for the diagnosis of potentially serious diseases
    Name: Sanclemente-Ansó, C.; Bosch, X.; Salazar, A.; Moreno, R.; Capdevila, C.; Rosón, B.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
  • Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Clinical evidence of diabetes mellitus end-organ damage as risk factor for falls complicated by hip fracture: A multi-center study of 1225 patients.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Chivite, D.; Ruiz, D.; Navarro, M.; Perez Castejon, J.M.; Duaso, E.; Montero, A.; Lopez-Soto, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 233 End page: 237 Vol.: 109 No.: 2
  • Journal of Hospital Infection, Nationwide study on the use of intravascular catheters in internal medicine departments.
    Name: Guembe, M.; Pérez-Granda, M.; Capdevila, JA.; Barberán, J.; Pinilla, B.; Martín-Rabadán, P.; Bouza, E.; Nuve Study Group; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 135 End page: 141 Vol.: 90 No.: 2
  • Quality of life research, Predicting factors of health-related quality of life in octogenarians: a 3-year follow-up longitudinal study.
    Name: Ferrer, A.; Formiga, F.; Cunillera, O.; Megido, M.J.; Corbella, X.; Almeda, J.; Octabaix Study Group Role: Autor Publishing date: 2015
    Start page: 2701 End page: 2711 Vol.: 24 No.: 11
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Long-term follow-up after anticoagulant treatment withdrawal in patients with deep venous thrombosis and inferior vena cava agenesis
    Name: Riera-Mestre, A.; Romera, A.; Fernandez, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: e113 End page: e114 Vol.: 25 No.: 9
  • Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, Mortality and survival in systemic sclerosis: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Name: Rubio-Rivas, M.; Royo, C.; Simeon, C.P.; Corbella, X.; Fonollosa, V. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 208 End page: 219 Vol.: 44 No.: 2
  • Journal of American Medical Directors Association, Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor for Functional and Cognitive Decline in Very Old People: The Octabaix Study.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Ferrer, A.; Padros, G.; Corbella, X.; Cos, L.; Sinclair, AJ. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 924 End page: 928 Vol.: 15 No.: 12
  • Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, The Difficult Way to Become a Centenarian. The NonaSantfeliu Study: Ten Years of Follow-Up.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Ferrer, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 1792 End page: 1793 Vol.: 62 No.: 9
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0002-8614
  • Medicina clínica, Clinical management: Patients, professionals, managers and politicians with the challenge of each one comprehensively taking the place of the other
    Name: Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 395 End page: 397 Vol.: 143 No.: 9
  • Medicina clínica, [Organ-protection therapy. A new therapeutic approach for acute heart failure?].
    Name: Chivite, D.; Formiga, F.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
  • Allergologia et Immunopathologia, Allergy medical care network:A new model of care for specialties
    Name: Ferre-Ybarz, L.; Salinas, R.; Nevot, S.; Gómez, C.; Franquesa , J.; Trapé, J.; Oliveras Alsina, P.; Pons, M.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014
    Start page: 48 End page: 56 Vol.: 43 No.: 1
  • European Journal of Endocrinology, Thyroid status and functional and cognitive status at baseline and survival after 3 years of follow-up: the OCTABAIX study.
    Name: Formiga, F.; Ferrer, A.; Padros, G.; Contra, A.; Corbella, X.; Pujol, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 69 End page: 75 Vol.: 170 No.: 1
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1479-683X
  • Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej, A quick diagnosis unit as an alternative to conventional hospitalization in a tertiary public hospital: a descriptive study
    Name: Sanclemente-Ansó, C.; Salazar, A.; Bosch, X.; Capdevila, C.; Vallano, A.; Català, I.; Fernandez-Alarza, F.; Roson, B.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 582 End page: 588 Vol.: 23 No.: 11
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0032-3772
  • Digestive and Liver Diseases, Single-session endosonography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for biliopancreatic diseases is feasible, effective and cost beneficial.
    Name: Gornals, J.B.; Moreno, R.; Castellote, J.; Loras, C.; Barranco, R.; Català, I.; Xiol, X.; Fabregat, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
  • Journal of Hospital Administration, Alternatives to conventional hospitalization for improving lack of access to inpatient beds: a 12-year cross-sectional analysis
    Name: Corbella, X.; Ortiga, B.; Juan, A.; Ortega, N.; Gómez-Vaquero, C.; Capdevila, C.; Bardes, I.; Alonso, G.; Ferre, C.; Soler, M.; Mañez, R.; Jaurrieta, E.; Pujol, R.; Salazar, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013
    Start page: 9 End page: 21 Vol.: 2 No.: 2
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1927-6990
  • European Journal of Internal Medicine, Major ambulatory medicine
    Name: Corbella, X.; Salazar, A.; Pujol, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012
  • BMC Health Services Research, Standardizing admission and discharge processes to improve patient flow: a cross sectional study.
    Name: Ortiga, B.; Salazar, A.; Jovell, Aj.; Escarrabill, J.; Marca, G.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012
    Vol.: 12
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1472-6963
  • Emergencias, Análisis de la seguridad y la eficacia de una unidad de corta estancia en el tratamiento de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad
    Name: Juan, A.; Jacob, J.; Llopis, F.; Gomez-Vaquero, C.; Ferre, C.; Perez-Mas, J.R.; Palom, X.; Giol, J.; Ramon, J.M.; Salazar, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2011
    Start page: 175 End page: 182 Vol.: 23
    ISSN or title: 1137-6821
  • BMC Health Services Research, Effectiveness of a Surgery Admission Unit for patients undergoing major elective surgery in a tertiary university hospital
    Name: Ortiga, B.; Capdevila, C.; Salazar, A.; Viso, MF.; Bartolome, C.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2010
    Vol.: 10 No.: 23
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1472-6963
  • Emergency medicine journal, Efficacy of a holding unit to reduce access block and attendance pressure in the emergency department
    Name: Gomez-Vaquero, C.; Salazar, A.; Juan, A.; Pérez-Mas, JR.; Jacob, J.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2009
    Start page: 571 End page: 572 Vol.: 26 No.: 8
    DOI: ISSN or title: 1472-0205
  • American journal of emergency medicine, Emergency short-stay unit as an effective alternative to in-hospital admission for acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation
    Name: Salazar, A.; Juan, A.; Ballbe, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007
    Start page: 486 End page: 487 Vol.: 25 No.: 4
  • Emergencias, Estudio comparativo de pacientes con agudización de EPOC tratados con moxifloxacino oral frente a otros antibióticos por vía endovenosa en una unidad de corta estancia de urgencias
    Name: Juan, A.; Llopis, F.; Masuet, C.; Biosca, M.; Salazar, A.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2007
    Start page: 65 End page: 69 Vol.: 19 No.: 2
    ISSN or title: 1137-6821
  • Critical care medicine, Reduced burden of bacterial airway colonization with a novel silver-coated endotracheal tube in a randomized multiple-center feasibility study.
    Name: Rello, J.; Kollef, M.; Diaz, E.; Sandiumenge, A.; Del Castillo, Y.; Corbella, X.; Zachskorn, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006
    Start page: 2766 End page: 2772 Vol.: 34 No.: 11
    ISSN or title: 0090-3493
  • Emergency medicine journal, Effectiveness and safety of an emergency department short-stay unit as an alternative to standard inpatient hospitalisation.
    Name: Juan, A.; Salazar, A.; Alvarez, A.; Perez, Jr.; Garcia, L.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006
    Start page: 833 End page: 837 Vol.: 23 No.: 11
  • Archives of pathology and laboratory medicine, Improvements in clinical diagnostic accuracy after a 5-year systematic analysis of clinical and autopsy discrepancies
    Name: Vadillo, M.; Pujol, R.; Corbella, X.; Gorriz, Mt.; Rabasa, P.; Bernat, R. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2006
    Start page: 1261 End page: 1262 Vol.: 130
    ISSN or title: 0003-9985
  • European journal of emergency medicine, High mortality rates from medical problems of frequent emergency department users at a university hospital tertiary care centre
    Name: Salazar, A.; Bardes, I.; Juan, A.; Olona, N.; Sabido, M.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2005
    Start page: 2 End page: 5 Vol.: 12
  • Medicina clínica, [The internist as a consulting physician in primary health care].
    Name: Pujol, R.; Corbella, X. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 60 End page: 61 Vol.: 122 No.: 2
    ISSN or title: 0025-7753
  • Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, Antibiotic combinations for serious infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in a mouse pneumonia model.
    Name: Montero, A.; Ariza, J.; Corbella, X.; Domenech, A.; Cabellos, C.; Ayats, J.; Tubau, F.; Borraz, C.; Gudiol, F. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2004
    Start page: 1085 End page: 1091 Vol.: 54 No.: 6
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0305-7453
  • Medicine, Group B streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) pyogenic arthritis in nonpregnant adults
    Name: Nolla, JM.; Gómez-Vaquero, C.; Corbella, X.; Ordoñez, S.; García-Gómez, C.; Pérez, A.; Cabo, J.; Valverde, J.; Ariza, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003
    Start page: 119 End page: 128 Vol.: 82 No.: 2
  • Critical care medicine, Clinical relevance of Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator-associated pneumonia.
    Name: Montero, A.; Corbella, X.; Ariza, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2003
    Start page: 2557 End page: 2559 Vol.: 31 No.: 10
  • Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, Short-term effect of the application of selective decontamination of the digestive tract on different body site reservoir ICU patients colonized by multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
    Name: Agusti, C.; Pujol, M.; Argerich, Mj.; Ayats, J.; Badia, M.; Domínguez, MA.; Corbella, X.; Ariza, J. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002
    Start page: 205 End page: 208 Vol.: 49
    DOI: ISSN or title: 0305-7453
  • Medicina clínica, [Emergency department short-stay unit as an alternative to standard inpatient care hospitalization]. Corbella X, Salazar A, Maiques JM, Juan A. .
    Name: Corbella, X.; Salazar, A.; Maiques, JM.; Juan, A. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2002
    Start page: 515 End page: 516 Vol.: 118 No.: 13
  • European journal of emergency medicine, How to manage the ED crisis when hospital and/or ED capacity is reaching its l