University Advisory Board

The University Advisory Board carries out consultation and advisory functions and encourages the social advancement of the institution. Members are appointed and removed by the Board of Trustees of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.

Board members are:


Mr. Francesc Homs


Ms. Carmen Drópez

Board members

  • Mr. Juan Antonio Alcaraz – Nortia Capital Investment Holding
  • Ms. Anna Alsina - Banc Sabadell
  • Ms. Audaca Aparicio - School of Land, Mercantile and Real Estate Registrars of Catalonia
  • Ms. África Ariño - IESE Business School
  • Mr. Francisco José Arregui - Lawyer
  • Dr. Rafael Barraquer - Centre d' Oftalmologia Barraquer
  • Mr. Antoni Bassas - Diari ARA
  • Ms. Lorena Bassas - Top Doctors
  • Ms. Mercedes Blasi - Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
  • Dr. Carlos Blay - OCA GLOBAL
  • Mr. Juan Antonio Bordas – COOLT
  • Dr. Frederic Borràs - Morera Asesores & Auditores
  • Mr. José Mª Bové - Bové Monteros y Asociados
  • Ms. Alba Cabañas - LabEcoinnova
  • Ms. Elena Cabarrocas – GISI DOS, SL
  • Mr. Ernesto Caccavale - Schina
  • Mr. Carlos Camí - Centre d'Estudis Stucom
  • Mr. Marius Carol - La Vanguardia
  • Ms. Inmaculada-Raquel Castro - Notaria Montcada i Reixac
  • Mr. Carlos Checa - Jove Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona
  • Mr. Xavier Coll - Aspen Instituto España
  • Ms. Pilar Condal - Economista
  • Dr. Borja Corcostegui - IMO Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular
  • Mr. Antonio Cortés - CORTÉS Abogados
  • Mr. Carlos Cosials - ASEITEC/CECOT
  • Mr. Emili Cuatrecasas - Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira
  • Ms. Arantza de Miguel - F.C Cuatrecasas-Compliance
  • Mr. Sebastián del Rey - Land and Mercantile Registrar
  • Mr. Francisco Diéguez - ITEC
  • Mr. Fernando Echevarne - Laboratoris Dr. Echevarne
  • Mr. Jesús Julián Fuentes - Notaría Rambla 55
  • Ms. Susana Gallardo - Empresaria
  • Ms. Isabel Galobardes - Certior Iuris
  • Ms. Helena García - TV3
  • Mr. Ildefons García - GRM, SL
  • Ms. Ainhoa Grandes - MACBA
  • Ms. Sonia Gutiérrez - Magistrada del Jutjat Penal
  • Mr. Luis Javier Herrero - Barcelona Centre Financer Europeu / 4S
  • Mr. Francisco Lopera - Deutsche Bank
  • Mr. Jaume Martín - Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic
  • Mr. Victoriano Martín - ORACLE Consulting
  • Ms. Teresa Martínez - OIDEL
  • Mr. Gabriel Masfurroll - Clínica Tres Torres
  • Mr. Fernando P. Méndez - Registrador
  • Mr. Ignacio Mestre - Phibo
  • Mr. Javier Mirallas - Brazil-Catalonia Chamber of Commerce
  • Mr. Ignasi Miró - Fundació Bancària la Caixa
  • Ms. Mercedes Mullor - Mullor, SA
  • Ms. Marian Muro - Muro Tourism Consulting
  • Mr. Jordi Nadal - Plataforma Editorial, SL
  • Mr. Santiago Nolla - Mundo Deportivo
  • Ms. Julia Otero - Journalist
  • Mr. José Ignacio Parellada - Andersen
  • Mr. Ramón Pellicer - TV3
  • Dr. Felipe Pich-Aguilera - Pich-Aguilera Arquitectos, SL
  • Mr. Ramon Pons - Construcciones Breda, SL
  • Mr. Gabriel Pretus - Damm
  • Ms. Sara Puig - Fundació Joan Miró
  • Mr. Jordi Puigferrat - COPCISA
  • Ms. Mercè Pujol - FICOSA INTERNATIONAL, S.A.
  • Ms. Ana Quibus - INEO Corporate
  • Mr. Lluis Recoder - Recoder Advocats
  • Ms. Maria Reig - Reig Capital
  • Ms. Elianne Ros - Fundació Bancària la Caixa
  • Ms. Meritxell Ruiz – Economist
  • Dr. Boi Ruiz – Health Consulting 
  • Mr. Josep Salvatella - RocaSalvatella
  • Dr. Jaume Sellarès - Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona
  • Dr. Jesús Silva - Criminal Law Professor
  • Ms. Núria Solé - TV3
  • Dra. Goretti Torrella - TORRELLA Ingeniería y Arquitectura
  • Ms. Montserrat Trapé - Advocada
  • Mr. Ousman Umar - NASCO Feeding Minds 
  • Ms. Araceli Vendrell - Col·legi Montserrat
  • Dr. Joan Vidal - Institut Guttmann

Representative of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Joan De Dou

Director of the University Advisory Board

Mr. Juan Pablo Garrido


Executive Committee

This committee was set up in 2014 with the aim of channeling cooperation between a group of members of the CAU (University Advisory Council) to organize and galvanise the work it undertakes. The executive committee will contribute to the organisation of the aforementioned advisory body along with the president, the secretary and the director of the CAU to organise all the events it holds.

President:  Mr. Francesc Homs

Secretary: Ms. Carmen Drópez – President of Education Committee and Interim President of Committee Humanities Committee.


  • Mr. Francisco José Arregui
  • Mr. Carlos Blay, President of International Committee
  • Mr. Frederic Borrás, President of  Social Science and Architecture Committee
  • Mr. Joan de Dou, Member of the Board of Fundació Familiar Catalana. Delegate membre of the University Advisory Board
  • Mr. Juan Pablo Garrido, Director of Advisory Board
  • Mr. Javier Mirallas, President of Development Corporate Committee
  • Mr. José Ignacio Parellada, President of Alumni
  • Mr. Ramon Pellicer, President of Communication Committee
  • Mr. Boi Ruiz, President of  Health Committee
  • Mr. Josep Maria Torné, General Manager of UIC Barcelona

International Committee

This committee was set up in 2014 to cooperate with the University in the development of the Strategic Plan for the International Relations Service at UIC Barcelona. This committee must ensure the relational capabilities of the CAU can be channeled into boosting the international nature of the University.

President: Mr. Carlos Blay


  • Ms. Noor Alchikh
  • Ms. Elena Cabarrocas
  • Mr. Juan Pablo Garrido
  • Mr.  Jaume Martin
  • Ms. Raquel Peula
  • Mr. Felipe Pich-Aguilera
  • Ms. Mercedes Pujol
  • Mr. Ousman Umar

Education Committee

This committee was set up with the aim of cooperating in the development of the Strategic Plan for the degrees taught in our Faculty of Education.

President: Ms. Carmen Drópez

Dean: Dr. Enric Vidal


  • Mr. Carles Camí
  • Mr. Juan Pablo Garrido
  • Mr. Victoriano Martín
  • Ms. Teresa Martínez
  • Mr. Fernando P. Méndez
  • Ms. Meritxell Ruiz
  • Ms. Araceli Vendrell

Communication Committee

This committee was set up with the aim of cooperating in the development of the Strategic Plan for the degrees taught in our Faculty of Communication Sciences.

President: Ms. Ramón Pellicer

Dean: Dr. Pedro Sigaud


  • Mr. Antoni Bassas
  • Mr. Ernesto Caccavale
  • Mr. Marius Carol
  • Ms. Helena García 
  • Mr. Ildefons García
  • Ms. Marian Muro
  • Mr. Santiago Nolla
  • Ms. Julia Otero
  • Ms. Elianne Ros
  • Mr. Josep Salvatella
  • Ms. Núria Solé

Humanities Commission

This committee was set up with the aim of cooperating in the development of the Strategic Plan for the degrees taught in our Faculty of Humanities.

President: Ms. Carmen Drópez (interim)

Dean: Dra. Judith Urbano


  • Mr. Carlos Checa
  • Mr. Juan Pablo Garrido
  • Ms. Ainhoa Grandes
  • Mr. Ignasi Miró
  • Mr. Jordi Nadal
  • Ms. Sara Puig

Corporate Development Committee

This committee was set up to cooperate with the Corporate Development Department at UIC Barcelona, which aims to strengthen relationships with the institutional, business and social environment of the University and increase the social projection of UIC Barcelona based on greater knowledge of the projects and activities it carries out. To make the University known as a generator of knowledge that helps to achieve social progress and innovation in the social environment.

President: Mr. Javier Mirallas


  • Rector Alfonso Méndiz
  • Mr. Antoni Bosch
  • Mr. Eduardo Conde
  • Mr. Juan Pablo Garrido
  • Mr. Ignacio Mestre
  • Mr. Jordi Puigferrat

Social Science and Architecture Committee

This committee was set up to work more closely with the faculties of Law, Economic and Social Sciences and the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.

President: Dr. Frederic Borràs 

Director School of Architecture: Dr. Víctor Echarri


  • Dr. María Fernández Arrojo
  • Ms. Anna Alsina
  • Ms. Audaca Aparicio
  • Mr. José Mª Bové
  • Ms. Raquel Castro
  • Mr. Antonio Cortes
  • Mr. Carlos Cosials
  • Sra. Arantza de Miguel
  • Mr. Francisco Diéguez
  • Ms. Isabel Galobardes
  • Mr. Juan Pablo Garrido
  • Ms. Sonia Gutiérrez
  • Dr. Marta Mas
  • Mr. Fernando P. Méndez
  • Ms. Mercedes Mullor
  • Ms. Marian Muro
  • Mr. Felip Pich-Aguilera
  • Mr. Ramón Pons
  • Ms. Montserrat Trapé
  • Ms. Goretti Torrella

Health Committee

This committee was set up with the aim of cooperating in the development of the Strategic Plan for the degrees taught on our Sant Cugat Healthcare Campus (Medicine, Dentistry, Biomedicine, Bioengineering, Psychology, Nursing, and Physiotherapy).

President: Dr. Boi Ruiz

Dean: Dra. Esther Calbo


  • Dr. Rafael Barraquer
  • Ms. Lorena Bassas
  • Dr. Borja  Corcostegui
  • Dr. Fernando Echevarne
  • Sr. Gabriel  Masfurroll
  • Dr. Jaume Sellarès
  • Dr. Joan Vidal
  • Ms. Mercedes Blasi