Formació transversal per a la comunitat d’estudiants

The CIP offers cross-disciplinary education to all bachelor’s degree students, regardless of their field of interest. This cross-disciplinary focus on teaching aims to provide a humanist, Christian and interdisciplinary education

These cross-disciplinary subjects amount to 18 credits, distributed across the following courses:

  • Anthropology (1st year - 6 credits - weekly sessions)
  • Ethics (2nd and/or 3rd year - 6 credits - weekly sessions)
  • Cultural Foundations module (from 3rd year - 2 subjects each weighing 3 credits*)

*Subjects taught as part of the Cultural Foundations module will be adapted to the learning needs of each degree programme. Content can be modified periodically, providing the changes have been approved by the CIP and the various centres in which the module is taught.