
Doctor Xavier Garí directs a research project on the oral history of Catalan pacifism

During this month of November, one of our professors from the Faculty of Humanities, Dr Xavier Garí, was asked to coordinate a research project on the recovery of the oral history of Catalan pacifism. This project is coordinated by the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) in the Catalan Government. 

One of the strategic lines of the ICIP is to consolidate the work being undetaken to safeguard historical archives, and the testimonials and documentaries that exist in the peace movement in Catalonia. Specifically this involves the production company Mediamuster recording audiovisual interviews with some of main characters from that movement and historical period who are still alive.  The main objective of the ICIP is to preserve the historical memory of Catalan pacificm, and, at the same time, collect material and resources to create potential documentary productions, exhibitions or shows, and carry out research with historians and specialists in the future.

Xavier Garí focused his doctoral thesis on the political, social and ecclesiastical history of the peace movement in Catalonia, and prior to this wrote a dissertation on the history of non-violent organisations in Catalonia.