University Master's in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology - Official

Type of programme
Official masters
2 semesters
€129.00 / ECTS x 60 = €7,740.00 (+ €494.00 Registrations fees). *Prices corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year.
Thursdays and Fridays from 15.00 to 21.00 Some Saturdays will be practical workshops
Spanish and Catalan
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University Master's in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology - Official


There is currently a growing educational need in the field of Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology among professionals who exercise their profession in areas related to Mental Health. As an individual starting off in professional practice, everyone who undertakes their work in the field of legal medicine or must intervene in the forensic field as specialists and deal with different psycho-pathological issues requires special theoretical and practical knowledge of this type of material.

The advantage of greater consolidation and specialisation in terms of dealing with the existing gaps in education, in such a way that those who intervene in one way or another operate with assumed jurisdiction in the legal-juridical level in the forensic field can be perceived. With this aim in mind, the idea is to complement the specific technical, scientific or educational specialisations of the various professionals, in such a way that they understand the problems in which they must intervene from a comprehensive perspective.

The academic programme designed for this university master’s degree aims to cover current and future demand for professionals from the fields of Mental Health and Legal, Forensic and Criminological Sciences in the following two aspects:

  1. The aim is to provide future professionals with the necessary tools and competences which will allow them to work professionally as experts or forensic experts in the field of justice or intervene in the various public or private sectors which require qualified knowledge of the material: in prisons and hospitals, as members of the forensic police, as court-appointed experts, staff who work in treatment or reinsertion services for criminals, criminologists and private investigators and other sectors which may require it.
  2. The aim is to increase the level of technical knowledge and competences for professionals who are directly or indirectly involved the judicial-legal, forensic and criminological fields which in the exercise of their activities must deal with psychopathological issues.

The unique nature of our academic course is based on providing the methodological and practical tools that are necessary for professional development in various fields that are related to each other: legal and forensic medicine professionals, psychologists and psychiatrists, criminologists and professionals from the legal field in general.

Academic accreditation

Máster Universitario en Psicopatología Legal, Forense y Criminológica por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.


  1. To delve into knowledge of psychopathology applied to the legal, forensic and criminological fields.
  2. To learn to apply specific psychopathological evaluation tools according to existing casuistry.
  3. To draw up clinical and expert reports based on patients' health and medical history and psycho-pathological tests and defend them at an oral trial.
  4. In the criminal field, to know how to attend to and behave professionally with patients who have suffered from circumstances they have been the victim of and subjects who are at a high risk of violence and danger; as well as providing a service involving advising and intervening at the correct psychological or psychopathological level with the aim of facilitating decision-making in a court setting.
  5. In the civil field of institutionalisation and disabilities, students must know how to write up the corresponding reports in relation to the civil capacity of people with mental illness, as well the potential clinical indications of institutionalisation under judicial authority. 
  6. In the civil-family field, students will learn how to write up psychopathological reports for marriage annulment proceedings on the grounds of defective consent; as well as cases of guardianship or custody of minors, in relation to the ability of both parents to exercise their parental role. Knowledge of childhood-youth psychology is also required for experts in issues related to minors.
  7. In the field of work, acquiring psychopathological evaluation competences for mental disorders that involve some degree of disability, as well as professional illnesses from a psychopathological perspective, including stressful reactions when dealing with phenomena such as harassment and other situations in which pathogenic factors occur simultaneously.
  8. Enhancing their analytical skills and the development of a comprehensive view of clinical cases and expert assessments.
  9. Gaining insight into the main data collection techniques used to produce exhaustive clinical and expert reports.
  10. Undertaking an analysis of the risk of violence and danger for subjects with non-normative profiles, as well as intervening at a psychotherapy level in order to facilitate their reinsertion, rehabilitation or clinical treatment.
  11. Acquiring knowledge in evaluation and psychotherapy guidance for subjects who have been victimised in the field of criminal jurisdiction, whether they are minors or adults, including the victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Who is it aimed at? Prospective students

This master’s degree is aimed at people with university qualifications - with or without professional experience - holders of degrees or graduates in the areas of knowledge of Healthcare Sciences (Medicine and Psychology) and Legal Sciences (Law). Therefore, it is offered to:

  • University degree holders from the aforementioned degree programmes who would like to acquire specific education in clinical, legal, forensic and criminological psychopathology which equips them for professional development, or who would like to update or delve deeper into certain areas of knowledge.

Competences Graduate profile

The objectives behind the Master's Degree in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology involve the acquisition of the following professionalising competences:

  • To learn how to undertake expert reports in legal, forensic and criminological psychology which allows the state of a subject’s mental health to be determined, to evaluate psychological damage, their ability to hold the guardianship or custody of minors or custody of people with disabilities, as well as evaluate the accountability or non-accountability of the mitigating circumstances that modify criminal responsibility (CMRC), and also the credibility of witnesses.
  • To acquire the basic and necessary knowledge of legislation and legal procedures to provide the basis for psychological, psychiatric and criminological expert reports, according to the demands of the Justice Administration. The types of CMRC that are included in the Criminal Code will be studied in-depth.
  • To classify and diagnose the different mental disorders and conceptualise the various clinical symptoms while taking the various etiology models in clinical forensic psychology into consideration.
  • To have detailed knowledge of the main theories of personality which bear the weight of the incorporation of processes and behaviour that explain personality disorders and abnormal personalities from the point of view of forensic clinical psychology.
  • To learn how to manage, apply, evaluate and interpret the most used techniques in psychological evaluation in relation to the various psychopathological disorders which are analysed in clinical, legal, criminal and forensic psychology.

Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Fundamentos Psicopatológicos, Psicométricos y Jurídicos Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Análisis de la Conducta Delictiva Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Final Master's Degree Project Type: TF Term: Annual ECTS: 6
Prácticas Externas Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 14
Psicopatologia Clinica Aplicada Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 5
Psicopatologia Forense Aplicada Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 10
Psicopatología Forense en el Ámbito Civil-Familia y Canónico Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 5
Psicopatología Forense en el Ámbito Penal y Penitenciario Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 5
Psicopatología Forense en el Ámbito Socio-Laboral y Contencioso-Administrativo Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
Victimología Type: OB Term: Annual ECTS: 3
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English


The work placement programme is fundamental in terms of the objectives and competences which need to be acquired from this Master’s programme, thus ensuring that students can be in direct contact with the sector in which they work or aim to work. Work placements are awarded 14 ECTS (equivalent to 350 hours of work placements approximately) and are divided up over the academic year.

Please bear in mind that work placements normally take place in the morning, during the working hours of legal bodies. You will also undertake work placements in various healthcare organisations (mental health clinics or offices).

Work experience will depend on the current circumstances and the availability of work opportunities at the companies and entities.

Work placement centres

Block A

  1. Technical Advisory Teams in the Field of the Family (EATAF) in the Department of Justice in the Catalan Government.
  2. Adult prisons (Unit for Psychiatric Penitentiary Hospitalisation (UHPP), Quatre Camins prison, Brians 1 prison, and Brians 2 prison) and also Til·lers school.
  3. Institute for Legal Medicine of Catalonia (IMLCFC) in the Department of Justice in the Catalan Generalitat.
  4. Severe Psychiatric Unit at Duran i Reynals Hospital.

Block B

  1. Institute of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology of Barcelona (Dr Leopoldo Ortega-Monasterio).
  2. INDACEP Medical Centre (Dr Alfonso Sanz)
  3. Córcega Medical Advisory Board of Barcelona (Dr José Manuel Romacho).
  4. The offices of Dr Luis Borrás and Dra. Marta Vizcaíno
  5. The offices of Dra. Aina Gassó

*Only available for Psychology graduates. 

Professional opportunities

The main professional opportunities include:

  • Exercising the professional privately.
  • Developing your job and becoming an expert specialising in mental health. 

Prerequisites & admissions

Admission criteria

You may apply for admission to this master’s degree if you hold a bachelor’s degree in:

  • Medicine
  • Psychology
  • Law

You will also need to attend a personal interview.  All of the candidates who meet the criteria for this access route will be evaluated. The decision regarding admission will be based on the following criteria:

  • A personal interview in which individual skills, competences and abilities will be evaluated and a letter of motivation (40%)
  • Accredited academic CV: (30%)
  • Professional accredited curriculum for students with a professional pathway in the field or two letters of recommendation for new graduates (30%)  

Grants & financial aid


UIC Barcelona has agreements with different banking institutions to facilitate course financing under preferential conditions. To view the conditions for the academic year, click on the following link: