
"Philosophy is an activity in itself,
since we only gain understanding from it;
we benefit beyond the activity itself"  


The Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona is organising a new edition of the Philosophy Similar.

Particularly intended for upper secondary school students, the seminar is also open to teachers or anyone with an interest in philosophy. The aim of this initiative is to create a place where participants can reflect on the different schools of thought that have influenced humans over the course of history and continue to have an impact on culture today.

The seminar will also discuss some of the authors featured in the University Entrance Exams (PAU). It is a good chance to further your understanding of what you have learned in class or prepare for future presentations.

All sessions will take place at 7 p.m. in Saló de Graus - Admission is free and places are limited. One Tuesday or Wednesday a month. Led by Dr Magdalena Bosch, Faculty of Humanities.

  • Tuesday 5 November. Dr Xavier Escribano, “Humans, transhumans and posthumans: goodbye to our species”.
  • Tuesday 10 December. Dr Bernat Torres, “Cosmos and reason: the soul and the body in Plato”.
  • Wednesday 15 January. Dr Magdalena Bosch, “Can we still talk about beauty?”.
  • Tuesday 11 February. Dr Miriam Vidal-Quadras, “Descartes: some keys points of the Discourse on the Method”.  
  • Wednesday 11 March. Dr Abel Miró, “Immanuel Kant ‘s Copernican Turn”.
  • Tuesday 14 April. Dr Albert Moya, “An introduction to Hegel’s Idealism".

For more information, please contact Dr Magdalena Bosch, director of the Philosophy Seminar: