
The UIC Barcelona International SUCTI Workshop completes its first series of training sessions for PAS on improving engagement with international audiences and opening the University up to the world

Systemic University Change Toward Internationalization (SUCTI) is a project that aims to raise awareness of internationalisation among administration and service staff (PAS) at European universities

On 9 and 18 November, UIC Barcelona hosted the first two sessions of the UIC Barcelona International SUCTI Workshop aimed at both the University's administration and service staff and its international academic mobility coordinators.

A total of 30 staff members from different institutional services and faculties joined the two training sessions that were given by Isabel Pera, Reetta Vilhelmiina Heikkinen and Celia Martinez from the International Relations Service, Mònica Argemí, from the Department of Personal Development and Institutional Culture, and Raquel Peula and Caterina Reig from the Department of Promotion and Admissions at UIC Barcelona.

International SUCTI Workshop UIC Barcelona al Campus Sant Cugat

In order to continue strengthening the University’s internationalisation, UIC Barcelona has decided to support the implementation of the Systemic University Change Toward Internationalization, a project led by the International Center at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) and funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme.

The SUCTI training sessions use a pioneering methodology based on experiential learning and involve several participatory activities. In fact, the SUCTI project was recognised by the European Association for International Education (EAIE) in 2019 for providing training on internationalisation for 200 people across several European universities.

This November's sessions on the initiative have provided a launch pad for PAS to improve their understanding of the University’s international audience, and to continue opening the University up to the world, considering that currently 32% of students at UIC Barcelona are from outside Spain. This project is also integrated into the University's ideology, as making our University more accessible to international audiences forms part of our institutional culture.

The implementation of the SUCTI methodology at UIC Barcelona can now be added to the list of the institution’s strategic projects to promote its “Internationalisation from Home”, among which the collaborative oline international learning (COIL) initiative for teachers and students also features.