2022-23 Academic Year
420 Scientific Publications Indexed in:
- 365 Web of Science (152 OF WHICH WERE1st quartile):
- 307 JCR-SCIE Science Citation Index Expanded
- 37 JCR-SSCI Social Sciences Citation Index
- 3 A&HCI Arts & Humanities Citation Index
- 18 ESCI Emerging Sources Citation Index
- 35 Scopus
- 8 Carhus +2018
- 1 ERIH - European Reference Index for Humanities
- 11 MIAR- Matriz de información para el Análisis de Revistas
24 research group:
- 17 consolidated research groups
- 7 emerging research groups
5 university research institutes
196 active research projects:
- 16 chairs (Settled amount: 778.508,54€)
- 5 business seminars (Settled amount: 252.042,49€)
- 84 competitive projects (Contracted amount: 2.394.007,37€)
- 34 non-competitive research projects signed in the academic year 22-23 (Contracted amount: 1.804.077€)
- 57 non-competitive projects actives (Settled amount: 1.392.680€)
Total number CNEAI and AQU six-year research projects in the 2022-2023 academic year: 254
- Number CNEAI and AQU active six-year research projects in the 2022-23 academic year: 145
2 new patents
37 published theses