Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations

We teach you resources to create ideas that sell

Type of programme
Official degrees
8 semesters
240 ECTS
€169.00 / ECTS x 60 = €10,140.00* (1r course 2025-2026). *Subject to change each year. Contact our Admissions department for the payment terms and conditions.
Catalan, Spanish and English
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uic barcelona advertisement and public relations
We are passionate people, we are advertisers

Prepare for more job opportunities

This degree offers a wide range of professional opportunities, such as:

  • Advertising Creative (writer, art director...)
  • Account Manager
  • Strategy Planner
  • Media Planner
  • Director of Communications
  • Head of Corporate Identity and Branding
  • Product Manager
  • Event and Protocol Planner
  • Head of Media Relations
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Digital Marketing Manager

Find out about professional experience

Professors and lecturers with long experience in the advertising sector

Equip docent

The Faculty’s teaching body consists of lecturers and professors who are also active in the private sector and who have long experience in the audiovisual, journalism and advertising sectors. The teaching staff are all in direct contact with the daily reality of this profession, since they combine their executive roles in the media or in agencies with teaching in the Faculty. This allows students to achieve an education that is at the cutting-edge of the sector, that facilitates work placements and allows for greater labour insertion. Also, the teaching staff have extensive research experience at both a national and international level acquired through visits to and exchanges with other universities.

With this degree, you can study part of the curriculum or do your internship abroad, with academic recognition

Participate during one semester or year at one of your faculty's partner universities, or search for a business abroad for your internship.

Get part of your ECTS during the summer at the Berkeley Summer Sessions, the best public university in the world.


On the Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, our main objective is to train professionals to manage brands and resolve any kind of communication problem. To this end, we offer comprehensive and personalised training in which acquiring skills such as a critical and analytical thinking and social commitment, is fundamental. This programme is aimed at anyone wanting to work in the advertising and public relations sector in project management, communication consultancy, public relations, or as a creative or analyst in communication and/or public relations agencies, companies or any other organisation.

As part of this bachelor’s degree, we teach students about communication strategies, how to come up with creative and persuasive solutions, how to manage campaigns, how to organise teams and assign tasks, etc. In addition, we cover everything students need to know about launching a product, what it means to reposition a brand or what crisis communication management is, among other relevant aspects. Throughout their time at the university, students will also receive guidance from our academic team, made up of lecturers with a solid track-record in teaching and professionals working in leading companies in the advertising and public relations industry.

In addition, UIC Barcelona is committed to helping students master new technologies and learn English, which are essential tools for achieving greater international projection and professional success. As such, we work with the latest technologies and offer subjects and workshops taught in English (meeting points, etc.).

It is also important to highlight that our academic programme is directly linked to the job market, as we offer students the chance to complete a work placement in one of many internationally renowned businesses (Bassat, Ogilvy, MCann Erickson, Antonio Puig, Mango, SEAT, among others).

Finally, as UIC Barcelona is adapted to the Bologna Plan, graduates from this bachelor's degree will also be qualified to work as advertising and public relations professionals in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

  • Objectives
  • Who is it aimed at? Prospective students
  • Competences. Graduate profile

The main objectives for the Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations are:

  1. To train professionals to manage brands and offer high-quality solutions to all kinds of communication problems whilst adhering to the profession’s ethical dimension.
  2. To develop students’ creative, communication and IT skills. 
  3. To provide students with a high-quality general education, with a solid intellectual and ethical grounding.
  4. To offer students an international outlook on advertising and public relations, so they can grow professionally in a global context. 
  5. To provide students with the knowledge they need to become responsible professionals who are fully aware of the social dimensions of the advertising and public relations sector.
  6. To provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to confidently step foot onto the current advertising and public relations scene. 
  7. To help students master the English language as a professional tool to aid their international exposure.
  8. To train professionals who can work flexibly and competently and adapt to any company.
  9. To encourage an entrepreneurial spirit, independent learning and vocational responsibility.
  10. To develop teamwork and leadership skills.
  11. To facilitate knowledge about the advertising and public relations world and all stages of the production cycle.

Anyone who fulfils the admission requirements and general prerequisites for accessing this degree programme may apply. The majority of our students come from the Humanities or Social Sciences, but the degree programme is open to students from any academic background.

This degree programme is aimed at anyone who’s passionate about advertising and public relations and wants to work in this sector. We're looking for motivated students who are eager to learn and innovate; people with a critical, analytical and entrepreneurial eye, who know how to work in a team, and responsible students with creative minds who want to grow as professionals in this sector.


Students will acquire a range of skills that will equip them for a successful career in the current advertising and public relations context.

Graduate profile

The graduate profiles for this bachelor’s degree are:


Project manager 
Assume responsibilities, manage projects, steer and oversee campaigns, be results-oriented, lead teams and generate enthusiasm.

Public relations
Take on responsibilities in the field of business communication, such as managing corporate communication, organising events and managing relations between companies and society.

Communications consultant
Outline strategic channels of communication, generate trust, interact with strategic audiences, and more.

Specialised in the materialisation of ideas. As such, students must master advertising creation techniques and the tools necessary to respond to companies’ and institutions’ communication needs.

Assess the suitability and characteristics of the media used to disseminate a message and understand the target audience and socio-cultural trends.

Recommended videos:
Reflections on advertising: An advertiser’s DNA
University and Public Relations: strategic allies in the development of the sector, by Joaquín Maestre
Reflections on advertising: What do agencies expect from future advertisers?

Graduado o Graduada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.

Amb aquesta titulació i gràcies a l’adaptació de UIC Barcelona al pla Bolonya, l’alumne podrà exercir de professional de la publicitat i les relacions públiques en tot l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior.

Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Advertising Language Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 1
Communication: Drafting and Writing Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Emotional Marketing Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 1
Fundamentals of Human Communication I Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3
General English Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
History and Theory of Public Relations and Advertising Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Information Theory Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
TV Set Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 1
Academic English Skills Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Contemporary History Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
History of Ideas Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Sociology Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Television Communication Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Subjects in course 2 Type Term ECTS
Communication Theory Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Media Companies Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Radio Communication Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Workshop. Advertising Language Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Written Engish Type: FB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Economics Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Graphic Design Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Institutional Communication Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Media Law Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Psychology Type: FB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Soundtrack Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Subjects in course 3 Type Term ECTS
Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 5
Creative Advertising Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 5
Corporate Social Responsability Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Effective Speaking Skills Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Marketing Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 5
Photography and Design Applied to Advertising Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 5
Statistics. Market Research Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Strategic Management Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4
Workshop: Public Relations Programmes I Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 5
Advertising Media Structure and Planification Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Audiovisual Narrative Techniques Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Digital Marketing Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Creative Advertising Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 5
Corporate Social Responsability Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Effective Speaking Skills Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Fundamentals of Human Communication II Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Structure of the Advertising System Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Workshop (network Project) Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Subjects in course 4 Type Term ECTS
Advertising and Public Relations Companies Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 6
AI in Advertising Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 3
Brand Management and Strategy Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 6
AI in Advertising II Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Copy Writing Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Specialised Institutional Communication Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Personnel Management Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 3
Production and Filming Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 6
Professional English for Advertising I Type: OB Term: First semester ECTS: 4
Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
AI in Advertising Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 3
Brand Management and Strategy Type: OP Term: First semester ECTS: 6
AI in Advertising II Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 3
Copy Writing Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Specialised Institutional Communication Type: OP Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Ethics and Deontology in Advertising and Public Relations Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 6
Professional English for Advertising II Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 4
Workshop: Public Relations Programmes II Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 5
Final Degree Project Type: TF Term: Annual ECTS: 6
Work Placement Type: PR Term: Annual ECTS: 10
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English


Work placement

The Faculty of Communication Sciences holds agreements with a series of important institutions so that future graduates can acquire the work experience necessary for them to carry out their future profession.

Internship Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations


The work placement subject, which is compulsory, consists of work experience in an institution that is external to the university in the field of advertising and/or public relations. This allows concepts learned about in classes and workshops to be applied to real life. In order for the work placement to be more useful, it is necessary to undertake coaching both before and during the placement. There will also be ongoing communication between the coach and the assigned in-company tutor in order to monitor the person completing the placement. Therefore, it will be possible to ensure that the objectives set out can be achieved in terms of the tasks to be undertaken and the learning and assimilation of knowledge and competences.

The evaluation of the work placement will mainly consist of the presentation of a work placement report from the company, and a report written by the student describing the placement. Students must also present a report that includes both a description of the content of the placement, what they have learned, and the improvements they have achieved in their work, both in terms of knowledge and skills. A tutor will guide them throughout this process.

All updated information regarding the specific organisation and regulations of work placements can be found in the Course Guide for the subject on each degree programme.

Prerequisites & admissions

Grants & financial aid


International mobility

Outgoing mobility stays

As a student of this degree programme, you may study abroad and receive academic recognition in most options.
Discover your mobility options abroad:

To find out what you need to do before, during and after your mobility stay, please see the following links:


Incoming mobility stays

If you are studying at another Spanish or international university, why not study at UIC Barcelona for a semester or academic year.

To find out what you need to do before, during and after your mobility stay, please see the Study at UIC Barcelona page.
