River rocha waterfront regeneration

Institutions: UIC Barcelona, Spain;  Cochabamba City Council, Bolivia

Years: 2011

Researchers: Ben Dirickx, Carmen Mendoza (PI), Pere Vall (PI)

This project focuses on redeveloping the waterfront along the Rocha River in Cochabamba. It addresses two fundamental challenges: to restore the ecological and social value of the river and transform it into a positive urban space involved in the renewal of the nearby urban fabrics. To do so, the projectt introduces a specific methodology that consists of: (1) understanding its natural elements and cultural heritage; identifying the interests, habits and perceptions of the communities around the river; (2) designing a civic network made up of open public spaces, activities and facilities that promote walking and cycling, essential to the new river corridor’s urban identity; (3) identifying strategic micro-projects and selectioning an intervention model.

River rocha waterfront regeneration 1
River rocha waterfront regeneration 2