Enrolment onto the Doctoral Programme

The student must annually enrol on the programme and can only enrol for one of our approved doctoral programmes. There is no option to enrol in another programme simultaneously.

Annual enrolment for each academic year

Doctoral students shall annually formalise doctoral enrolment corresponding to thesis supervision, training activities and annual evaluation by the Academic Doctoral Committee.

Registration at the time of deposit and thesis defence

At the end of the thesis, they must formalise the registration of the deposit and the defence of the thesis.

Once the thesis has been defended, the administrative fees for applying for the doctoral degree must be paid.

Financial Information

Annual enrolment on the programme: 915€

  • Academic fees: €825
  • Administrative fees: €90

Thesis deposit rights: €850

  • Academic fees: €670
  • Administrative fees: €180

Thesis reading and defence rights: €1500

  • Academic fees: €1040
  • Administrative fees: €460

Application for the PhD title

  • Administrative fees: €315

Grants and financial aid

The UIC Vice-rector for Research offers predoctoral contracts for doctoral studies. There are also several different grants awarded by different public and private institutions to carry out doctoral studies.