University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management - Official
Managing and leading healthcare institutions, centres or services requires managerial training and preparation to be able to take on positions of responsibility and steer professional development in the right direction.
The University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UIC Barcelona offers this kind of professional training, thus adding value to your academic qualification. This official Degree Programme is recognised throughout the European Higher Education Area and is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in the Spanish Government and the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU). Since its creation in 2010, this master’s degree has helped train and qualify managers and directors in all areas and at all levels of both the private and public healthcare systems based on an international outlook.
The curriculum aims to offer the training required to confidently take on managerial responsibilities that range from those inherent to general or business management, to managing administrative departments and primary care, hospital, social healthcare or mental health services or units. The programme also covers managerial training for the pharmaceutical, technological or private insurance sectors.
Why take our Master's Degree in Healthcare Management at UIC Barcelona?
- This Official Master’s Degree is recognised throughout the European Higher Education Area.
- A qualification that adds value to a previous official bachelor’s degree (or equivalent).
- It is the only master’s degree in Healthcare Management with a practical module included in the programme.
- Training in simulated scenarios at the Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
- Prestigious and renowned lecturers and professors, many of whom hold doctoral degrees and are practitioners in executive roles in their respective fields.
- Schedule and timetables that are compatible with professional commitments.
- Easy access to the Campus by public transport.
- The best Final Master's Degree Projects will be selected for publication in scientific or trade journals, as well as receiving the University’s backing for their practical application should they be deemed to have a high translational value.
- More than 200 students over 10 years with a high level of subsequent professional progression.
- Student job bank.
- Regular communication with the directors via the class representative(s).

“I’m a specialist in Internal Medicine and I trained at the Bellvitge Hospital. Caregiving has always been my greatest passion. However, due to socio-demographic shifts in society, new technologies and new supply and demand healthcare systems, I decided to complement my training with the Master's Degree in Healthcare Management from UIC Barcelona, which helped me understand and acquire further knowledge about hospital processes, leadership and team management. This programme helped me to access positions such as my current jobs at Tres Torres and at the Duran i Reynals Social Healthcare Hospital.”
Alumnus from the University Master's Degree in Healthcare Management
Current coordinator of the department of Internal and Family Medicine at the Mi Tres Torres Clinic

The University Master’s Degree in Healthcare Management (MUGS) has helped to reinforce my theoretical knowledge on management, which has made our managerial duties easier to deal with, as well as giving us a theoretical foundation upon which to base our daily practice.
Thanks to this master’s degree, I have been able to establish a network of professionals from other institutions who have become my friends and colleagues. Together we have created spaces where we can discuss practical cases and examples of day-to-day casuistry.”
Human Resources Manager at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO)

In my opinion one of its best points is the fact that people can do work placements in hospitals. In my case, I discovered a method of management which was different to what I was used to and it was very interesting. I also met professionals from various fields of management who carry out their daily work completely naturally and transparently, which is something to be very thankful for.
Head of Emergency Service HGC
Aimed at
Professionals from the healthcare sector interested in acquiring official training and a university qualification that will allow them to take on managerial and executive roles, or, in reinforcing their previous experience acquired in these positions.
Given the interdisciplinary and multi-professional nature of its managerial focus, this master’s degree is aimed at graduates in Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Economics and Business Administration, Engineering, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Law, Biomedicine and Bioengineering.
Important dates
- Welcome session: September 15, 2023.
Start date: September 15, 2023.
Additional information
Programme objectives:
- To equip students with the tools they need to tackle the basic elements of healthcare management, which involves understanding its context. As such, the first subject will teach students how to identify between the existing healthcare models and systems they might be working in, which healthcare policies it adheres to and how health economics can help in their analysis.
- In the second subject, students will learn how to implement all management tools that are applicable to any healthcare organisation and in any context. Students will learn how to apply their knowledge and methodologies to manage economic, technological and human resources, and to communicate appropriately, use information systems and negotiation techniques, as well as devise strategic and business plans. All training will take the values of patient-focused healthcare and bioethics into account.
- In the third subject, students will learn how to correctly manage processes in healthcare organisations’ centres, departments and units, building on their knowledge of instruments and methodologies learned during the previous unit, whilst mindful of the context at hand, which they are able to identify thanks to the knowledge acquired during the first subject.
- The simulation exercises, which will be presented as scripted scenarios that recreate real-life situations, aim to expose students to exceptional, predictable and common situations, which every manager will undoubtedly face at some point in their career.
- Students will also complete work placements in healthcare centres that have been approved by La Unió, the Association for Social and Healthcare Centres (, which will give them the chance to put their theoretical knowledge of management into practice.
Academic accreditation
Máster Universitario en Gestión Sanitaria por la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
Course directors and coordinators
- Dr. Boi Ruiz
- Dr. Jaume Duran
Academic Committee
- Dr. Boi Ruiz (President)
- Dra. Candela Calle
- Dr. Rafael Lledó
- Mr. Llorenç Sotorres
- Dr. Xavier Mate
- Mr. Joan Maria Ferrer
- Dr. Joan Bosch
Teaching staff 2023-2024 academic year
- Dr Andreu Aloy. Doctor of Medicine. Director of Quality and Planning, Granollers Hospital Foundation.
- Dr Josep M. Argimón. Doctor of Medicine. Former Council Member, Department of Health, Generalitat de Catalunya. Director of Scientific Infrastructure at the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC).
- David Barrachina. Industrial Organisation Engineer. Head of Infrastructure, Maintenance and Hotel Services. Maresme Health Consortium.
- Dr Juan Ignacio Barrachina. Holder of an undergraduate degree in Medicine. International consultant.
- Dr Miquel Bastons. PhD in Business Administration and Management. Lecturer for the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UIC Barcelona
- Dr Joan Bosch. Doctor of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
- Dr Carmen Cabezas. Doctor of Medicine. Secretary of Public Health, Department of Health. Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Dr Candela Calle. Doctor of Medicine. Director general of the Sant Francesc d’Assis Foundation.
- Ms Anna Clopés. PhD in Pharmacy. Director of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Policy at the Catalan Oncology Institute of Oncology.
- Dr Josep Comín-Colet. Doctor of Medicine. Head of the Chronic Heart Failure Unit, Department of Cardiology, Bellvitge University Hospital.
- Dr Silvia Cóppulo. PhD in Communication Sciences. Undergraduate degree in Psychology. Journalist for TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio.
- Dr Xavier Corbella. Doctor of Medicine. Head of Medical Services, FC Barcelona.
- Dr Josep Corbella. PhD in Law. Legal Adviser for the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona.
- Dr María Dolores Navarro. Doctor of Medicine specialising in Public Health. Responsible for the Scientific Area of the School of Health. Director of the Patient Participation and Training Area. Director of Planning and Support Management, Sant Joan de Déu Children’s Hospital, Esplugues de Llobregat.
- Dr Jaume Duran. Doctor of Medicine. Director-general of the Mollet Health Foundation.
- Dr Joan Maria Ferrer. Doctor of Medicine. Director of Quality, Teaching and Research. Mollet Health Foundation.
- Ms Carme Ferrer. Undergraduate degree in Journalism. Head of Customer Care at Granollers General Hospital.
- Dr Cristina Gámez. Doctor of Medicine. Head of the Nuclear Medicine Department PET IDI - Bellvitge University Hospital.
- Dr Francesc García Cuyás. Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialised in General Surgery. Director of Data and Digital Strategy, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital.
- Dr Joan Guanyabens. Holder of an undergraduate degree in Medicine. ESADE Master’s in Hospital Management. Healthcare, IT & Innovation Consultant.
- Dr José Augusto García. Holder of an undergraduate degree in Medicine. Director-general of the Catalan Health Care and Social Services Consortium and President of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
- Dr Anna García- Altés. Doctor in Medicine and undergraduate degree in Economic Sciences. President of the Health Economics Association (AES).
- Dr Antoni Gilabert. Holder of a PhD in Pharmacy. Director of Pharmacy and Medicines, Catalan Health Care and Social Services Consortium.
- Carme Julián. Undergraduate degree in Economic and Business Sciences.
- Ms Assumpció Laïlla. Undergraduate degree in Nursing and Psychopedagogy. President of the Health Committee of the Parliament of Catalonia.
- Dr Rafael Lledó. Doctor of Medicine and undergraduate degree in Work and Organisational Psychology. Manager of the Maresme Health Consortium.
- Carles Lorán. Holder of a diploma in Business Sciences. Certified accountant/auditor. Manager at Barnaclinic.
- David Macià. Holder of a degree in Nursing. Executive director at Hestia Alliance.
- Dr Xavier Mate. Undergraduate degree in Medicine. Master’s Degree in Healthcare Management and Health Resources. Director-general of IDCsalud Catalunya (University General Hospital of Catalonia, Sagrat Cor University Hospital and Vallès Clinic).
- Mr Miguel Ángel Martínez. Undergraduate degree in Environmental Sciences. Director of Environment, Safety and Health at Mollet Health Foundation.
- Dr Cristina Monforte Royo. PhD in Nursing. Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
- David Pahissa. Holder of an undergraduate degree in Business Administration and Management. Assistant Director of Economic Management, Economic Resources Office. Vall d’Hebron University Hospital.
- Dr Emilio Rojo. Doctor of Medicine, specialised in Psychiatry, Medical Director at the Benito Menni - Hermanas Hospitalarias Mental Health Care Complex.
- Dr Boi Ruiz. Doctor of Medicine. Director of the Healthcare Management and Health Policy Chair at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.
- Dr Albert Salazar. Doctor of Medicine. Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Manager.
- Dr Ramón Salinas. Doctor of Medicine. Head of the Department of Haematology and Haemotherapy. Regional Manager of the Blood and Tissue Bank.
- Dr Mireia Sans. Doctor of Medicine specialised in Family and Community Medicine. Director of the CAP Comte Borrell.
- Dr Jaume Sellarés. Holder of an undergraduate degree in Medicine. Director of the EAP Sardenya in Barcelona. President of the Teaching Unit at the Association of Associative Entities (ACEBA)
- Llorenç Sotorres. Holder of an undergraduate degree in Economic and Business Sciences. Secretary-general of Fundació Puigvert.
- Dr Marta Trapero. PhD in Health Economics. Lecturer. Knowledge Area in Applied Economics, Universitat de Lleida.
- Dr José Zorrilla. Doctor of Medicine. Head of Urgent and Emergency Care, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, Manresa.
- Dr Xavier Llebaria. Undergraduate degree in Veterinary Science. Assistant Director-General for Public Health Coordination. Department of Health. Generalitat de Catalunya.
- ALOY DUCH, Andrés
- FATJO HURIOS, Francesc
- FERRER BADIA, Maria Carme
- GARCÍA CUYÁS, Francisco
- GARCIA NAVARRO, Jose Augusto
- JULIÁN CAMPOS, Maria Carme
- LAILLA JOU, Assumpció
- NAVARRO RUBIO, Maria Dolores
- ROJO RODES, José Emilio
- SANCHEZ ARAGO, Maria Elena
Open days
Prerequisites & admissions
Required documentation
Students with an official Spanish university degree
- Original attested photocopy of your university degree or a document certifying that your degree has been recognised, or an original attested photocopy of the receipt for payment of the fee to have the degree issued
- Original attested photocopy of the academic transcript of your university studies
Students with an official foreign university degree
- Original attested photocopy of your university degree
- Original attested photocopy of the academic transcript of your university studies
- Certificate issued by the university where you earned your undergraduate degree indicating that the degree authorises you to take postgraduate courses in the country where the degree was issued
In all cases
- Two ID-sized photos
- Photocopy of your Spanish identity card (DNI) or passport
- An up to date curriculum vitae
- A letter of motivation
- An attested photocopy of any other university degrees, including postgraduate degrees
- If the original language of the university degree and academic transcript is not Spanish, an original sworn Spanish translation should be submitted of these documents
- The credits corresponding to a maximum of two of the four rotational practica can be recognised, according to the relevant work experience. It will be necessary to present your "Vida Laboral" [Employment Record] from the Seguridad Social as well as a document from your Training Centre verifying the work experience corresponding to the rotation due to be recognised. The Master's Committee and the Departmental Committee will evaluate each case individually
Reservation and enrolment
- Candidates accepted onto a Master's or Postgraduate course will be sent notification by post, admission is subject to a payment for the reservation of that place
- Your place on the course will be reserved by depositing the stipulated amount for the programme no later than five days after receipt of the letter informing you that you have been admitted to the programme.
- Once the reservation has been made in the manner stated above, if the student does not meet the course prerequisites as determined by state legislation or autonomous regulations, does not hold the required qualifications, or the course does not open due to a lack of demand, then UIC Barcelona will refund the reservation fee in full
- If after paying the deposit the student should choose of his or her own volition not to undertake the course, the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya shall become the owner of the entire amount received as a deposit, as compensation for the damages caused, with no obligation to refund
- If the student does not pay the reservation fee within the time period indicated, it will be understood that he or she is no longer interested in accepting a place on the course, and UIC Barcelona will then cancel it, rendering the corresponding application null and void
People who have a reserved place on the course will be informed about the enrolment period once the expected inscriptions have been met. Once official enrolment has taken place, students will have 10 working days to pay the rest of the enrolment fee, in one single payment.
Acces routes
You can apply for admission to this Master's degree if you meet one of the following requirements:
- Master’s candidates must hold an official Spanish university degree, or a degree awarded by a higher education institution recognised by the European Higher Education Area, and that can be used in the country in which it was bestowed as a form of access to Master's courses
- Those degree holders who have earned degrees through systems outside of the European Higher Education Area do not need to have their degrees officially approved in order to apply, pending prior confirmation from the University, of their equivalence to the corresponding Spanish degrees, and that, in the country of issue, these allow for access to a Postgraduate level
- Under no circumstances will this access route involve official approval of the candidate's degree, nor its recognition or significance in any pursuits or endeavours outside of the Master’s programme
Regulations for transfers
Information related to the regulations for transfers can be found here:
Reception and tutoring
Information about the welcome and advice provided by UIC Barcelona can be found here:
Grants & financial aid
Depending on the programme chosen, students will be able to consult all of the grants and funding available which they are eligible for. To find out more, it is necessary to go and ask in the corresponding area.
Final master's degree project
Students will use the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout the master’s degree to write their Final Project. They will propose the subject of the Project themselves, which must be accepted by the Teaching Committee and supervised by one of the lecturers/professors on the master’s degree. The Final Project will take the form of an academic essay, which they must defend before an academic jury.
Alumni Ambassadors
Meet our Alumni Ambassadors
Alumni Ambassadors are former students who have volunteered to talk about their experience at UIC Barcelona. With them you can address any doubts about your chosen studies, the university and the student experience.