The Bioengineering Laboratory has a surface area of 328m2 and hosts the teaching laboratories in the field of Bioengineering under the Faculty of Medicine and Health SciencesDepartment of Basic Sciences and the research laboratories of the Bioengineering Institute of Technology.

The teaching and research spaces are designed to facilitate the access and training of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students in advanced synthesis, manufacturing and characterisation techniques.

Inside the teaching spaces, students have the following available: biosafety cabinets and fume hoods, an inverted microscope, equipment for the synthesising materials by agitation and emulsion, UV-VIs spectrophotometry, more than ten 3D printers (FDM, SLA, double head, etc.), filament manufacturing for 3D printing, electronic signal generation and analysis, biomedical signal analysis using Biopac and Arduino-based systems, joint prosthesis and exoskeleton models, among other equipment.

The research laboratory has a bioprinter, solder paste printer, rheometer, zetasizer, FTIR, microdroplet generator, advanced 3D ink synthesis equipment, plasma cleaner, lyophilizer, contact angle meter, microbiology space and cell culture room.

Lab locations allow easy access to other common campus equipment: mechanical testing machines, epifluorescence microscope, stereoscopic microscope, thermal cycler, scanning electron microscope, confocal microscope, cold room, flow cytometer and semi-focal microscope for experiments requiring video microscopy.