Double Degree in Primary Education + Psychology

Two important sciences, hand in hand
Type of programme
Official degrees
11 semesters
480 ECTS totals (399 coursed and 81 validated)
€7.296 * (1st year 2023-2024) *Subject to review each year
Morning and afternoon
Catalan, Spanish and some subjects in English
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  • Grants & financial aid
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  • International mobility

What it is to be a teacher? 

enric vidal
We open the doors to a world of new opportunities

Prepare for more career opportunities

At UIC Barcelona, we are aware of the constant changes in the education system and the need for psychology to understand it.

  • Teacher
  • Educational psychology
  • Clinical psychology and psychotherapy
  • Human Resources
  • Social psychology
  • Psychotherapist
  • Coach
  • Sports psychology
  • Forensic psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Researcher

Professors and lecturers who make good teachers

The teaching team in the Faculty of Education consists of professionals who train future teachers using the most innovative methodologies. They are also involved in important research activities both inside and outside the university. Direct contact with professional practice allows our professors and lecturers to transmit a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and human overview of the reality in the sector to students.


UNESCO, via its 2015 report "Rethinking Education", and the EU, via its Europe 2020 Strategy, have made a firm commitment to inclusive education.

A commitment that the Government of Catalonia's Ministry for Education has implemented via Law 12/2009 of 10 July that recognises the need to adapt education to cater for the diversity of students and achieve greater equality of opportunity.

Against this backdrop, UIC Barcelona aims to provide crosscutting training to the teachers of the future via the double degree in Primary Education and Psychology. The combination of these two degrees will enable you to understand the aptitudes and attitudes of students and how they behave in the classroom, interact with their environment and learn.

It will also teach you how to support your fellow teachers and external professionals, which will improve the standard of education given and the development and learning of each student.

"Validation of subjects: 10% of the ECTS credit price"


Prerequisites & admissions

To study this double degree, you must pass the university entrance exams and the PAP aptitude test, a requirement for studying a degree in education. You must also have an overall score of seven or higher on your secondary school certificate or an overall score of eight or more on a vocational training course (CFGS).

The entrance exams for this double degree consist of the entrance exams for each degree.

Grants & financial aid


General information

How many places are available at the Faculty of Education?

There are 80 places available across our degree programmes in Education and 90 places on our bachelor’s degrees in primary Education. The places  are divided into smaller groups depending on the subject. The new double degrees in Pre-Primary Education with Psychology and in Primary Education with Psychology, offer a total of 10 places.

How much does a bachelor’s degree in education cost?

The price depends on the degree programme. You can check the cost of credits atón

Do students need to buy books or any other additional materials for classes?

No, all teaching material is available on the University’s digital platform and at the Library. There are no elevated costs associated with the material.

What kind of grants or funding can I get to study education at UIC Barcelona?

You can check our website for all options regarding grants, discounts or free enrol- ment, as well as funding conditions. If you have an average mark of 8 from your first year of upper secondary school, or a 9 from your first year of CFGS, you can apply for an Academic Excellence Grant. (

When will exams be held?

From 3 to 5.30 p.m. approximately.

How and where are the exams held?

To ensure candidates’ safety, we have decided to hold all entrance exams online. Before the exam, we will send you all the information you need to access it (how to log in, your username, password, timetables, etc.)

When do the practicums start? 

The external placements are divided into three subjects that combine alternating placements in the 2nd and 3rd years with intensive placements in the 4th year, with the aim of facilitating the observation and reflection processes of the students. The duration of the placement is 3 alternate weeks in the 2nd year, 6 alternate weeks in the 3rd year, and 14 intensive weeks in the 4th year. The list of accredited training centres and centres with bilateral agreements is provided by the faculty, and placements are carried out in accordance with the regulations set out in the Practicum Manual.

Access routes

Can I apply for the entrance examinations with any upper secondary school qualification?

Yes, you can apply from any type of upper secondary school qualification.

Can I apply to sit the entrance examinations from any higher level vocational training course (CFGS)?

Yes. And in addition, depending on the CFGS, students can have up to 30 ECTS credits officially recognised.

If I have already completed a bachelor’s degree, do I have to take the entrance exams?

Yes, everyone has to take the entrance exams.

Can any of my subjects be officially recognised if I have already started university studies?

Yes, you can request that your subjects be officially recognised, especially if your previous degree programme was in the same field of knowledge: Social Sciences.

Entrance exams and the admission process

What is the cut-off mark for accessing a degree programme in education?

Your admission will depend on the outcome of our University’s entrance exams, in addition to passing the PAU (national Spanish university entrance examinations) and the PAPs (personal aptitude test).

What do the entrance exams involve?

They involve: a psycho-technical test, an English test, a specific Spanish and Catalan language test, a general culture test and a one-to-one interview. All of these tests are sat the same day.

Can I look up past entrance exam papers?

We do not provide past papers from previous years’ exams. In the case of the specific tests, we suggest that you revise one or more first-year upper secondary school text books. And for the psycho-technical test, you can find examples on the internet that give you an idea of the style of the exam.

Is the examination multiple choice?

Yes. Any incorrect answers will not be deducted from your total score. Only those candidates applying for an Academic Excellence Grant will sit another written exam.

What level of English is required for the exam?

You do not need to have a minimum level of English to access the bachelor’s degrees in education, we only request a minimum B2 level in the case of bilingual subjects on bachelor’s degrees and double degrees.

How are the marks from both my academic record and the entrance examinations weighted?

5% is attributed to your academic transcript, 25% to the entrance exams and 10%, to the one-to-one interview.

Can I choose the date of the entrance exam?

You can request a specific date, but you must wait for a notification from the

Admissions Department who, after reviewing your documentation will confirm the date of your test via email. The number of places will decrease as the exam sittings take place. In general, we recommend attending the first calls. You can see the entrance exams dates by visiting: proves-admissio

When will I find out the results of the entrance exams?

The results will be sent via email approximately 15 working days after the exams have been taken.

If I am ‘not admitted’ can I attend the following call during the same academic year?

No, you can only attend one call per academic year.

If I am admitted, what is the next step?

You will receive a letter of admission containing information about the next steps to take in order to reserve your place which means paying 20% of the fee for the first year. You will pay the remaining 80% during the enrolment period, between July and September.

If I choose not to study at UIC Barcelona after having reserved a place, will the reservation fee be refunded to me?

The reservation fee will only be refunded if you do not pass upper secondary school or pass the PAPs. This clause is laid out in our General Terms and Conditions.

Do I have to pass the PAPs to be able to access a bachelor’s degree in education at UIC Barcelona?

The PAP tests are not an admission requirement for non-profit private universities, but they are part of an agreement to improve the profile of future teachers. If you have not passed the test before beginning your studies at the Faculty, you must do so during your first year. 

International mobility

Study abroad temporarly

As a student in this degree programme, you may complete part of your degree or a work experience placement abroad and receive academic recognition.

Spend a semester or a full academic year at one of your Faculty’s partner universities or find a company abroad to do an internship. You may also:

For information about everything you need to do before, during and after your mobility stay, check out the "Study abroad" section and download all the documentation specific to your Faculty:

If you are student of one of the double degrees you can also access the mobility opportunities of these faculties.

Study with us temporarily

If you are a student at another university in Spain, or in another country, you can come to do a mobility stay at UIC Barcelona during a semester or academic year.

Visit the international exchange students site for more information and, download here all the specific documentation of this faculty: