A work placement is a bridge between the academic and professional worlds, giving you contact with your future career while you are still studying. It is an excellent opportunity to apply the concepts learned in the classroom and acquire the skills you need to adapt successfully to the labour market.

All updated information regarding the specific organisation and regulations of work placements can be found in the Course Guide for the subject on each degree programme.

Do you want to do a work placement?

Work placement types

In the UIC's Faculty of Communication two types of placement are available: curricular (or compulsory) and extracurricular (or voluntary).

  • These placements are included within the curriculum, and therefore are compulsory to obtaining your degree.
  • Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and PR students complete a work placement in the fourth year, and Journalism students must do so in both the third and fourth years 
  • The total number of placement hours to be completed within each degree is 300.
  • Any UIC Barcelona student can take part in an extracurricular placement voluntarily. Exchange students cannot participate in work placements under the UIC Barcelona agreement.
  • They are not included in the curriculum and are in addition to the curricular. placement.
  • Students from all years can take work placements, provided they have completed the first 60 ECTS of the degree.

What do they have in common?

All placements are monitored on a personalised basis, to ensure the objectives set are met in terms of the tasks to be carried out, learning, assimilation of knowledge and acquisition of skills.

Contact the coordinator

If you want to do a work placement or have any doubts about the subject, you should contact the placement coordinator of your degree. Don't waste a single minute: your future career is waiting!

Advertising and PR

Ms. Nausica Fernández

Audiovisual Communication

Ms. Nausica Fernández


Ms. Nausica Fernández